why is my bf so annoying and why do I want to beat him with a metal bat?

edited September 2011 in Third Trimester
he seems to find it so halarious that I get so annoyed & that makes him do it more...i seriously want him away from me ugh...
then I feel bad after
still right now I feel like killing him & that he is the most annoying person in the whole entire galaxy ugh


  • now he is cleaning my room but im still ignoring him! im not forgetting this time....
  • Horomones and men just don't mix. I almost murdered my hubby this morning so I understand
  • Omg same here, I was thinking of posting something very similar earlier! I love him, but I just can't stand my mofo bf when he already knows I'm mad and eggs me on! And then a few minutes later act like nothing happened! I really hate him when he does this and I feel bad for the baby because I know its not good for her.

    I'm still mad from earlier...I wanted to just leave nd go to my moms so bad when it happened but I couldn't because I was working. >_<
  • @kaylathering they just dont understand!
    @stacyrae I feel exactly like u he annoys me & gets me all pissed off by then asks why im upset then I get upset & feel bad for stressing my baby out & its a never ending cycle
  • Amen! Then they want to act like everything is ok after they get on your damn nerves
  • Lol I notice lately I always tell my husband I hate him lol n he always gets on my nerves. Then now he really thinks I hate him lol
  • Lol i do the same thing and then i feel bad bcuz i kno hes just playing around
  • men are so stupid ugh
    usually I feel bad after too but as I get further & further along my hormones seem to get worse and worse
    @_kaykes @mrsthompson34 @mommy2b1111
  • yep yep yep jackass is my bd name
  • Lol I never argued so much with him as much as I do now. N wen I dont get my way I cry n wana leave him
  • I think we all know this feeling all to well. My husband puts his nasty feet on me and I'll yell at him and he just laughs. Then he'll do it again and I smash his toes with the remote. Not laughing anymore huh!!
  • Amen sister... same here!!
  • haha yes recently there have been lots of fights & me wanting to leave him I knew my hormones would go crazy but his were supposed to stay the same! atleast he gained weight & I can call him a fatty too
  • I had alot of that in the first and second trimesters but now that I'm in my third it doesn't seem to be as bad.I still get irritated and he still does things to annoy me but I just try and remember its the hormones and breath and he knows when I get that tone to lay off or il just leave the room
  • Haha I know how u feel my fiancee gets on my nerves and he keeps doing it. These hormones are not nice
  • @junebuggbabie85 mines has gotten worse as I get further...i wish my bf had the sense to lay off you...
    @everyone so funny how hormones change us into crazy women
  • Haha. My bd is making me crazzzzzyy! and I cant pinpoint why im mad at him, he's just sooooo flippin irritating!ugh.....
  • @moodymommy lay ooff me? I didn't know he was on me. Lol jk just tell him straight up "stop! and if you don't stop I'm going to go preggo emotional on you and it will be will your fault "
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