october moms!

edited September 2011 in Pregnant
Anyone getting a flu shot before your due date????


  • Nope :( they wont let me! bastards! lol. I will pretty much right after tho!
  • Why won't they let you get one?
  • I was offered swine flu jab, will prob have it.
  • @sunshinelove, why not??? My hubby is military so we can get one for free next week so I was wondering how many of you will get it...I know I can't get the nasal one...
  • idk the people at the stand that do it wont let pregnant women get them, none of the stands in my area will. I guess they have to be dr administered or some crap o.o
  • Nope I dont do flue shots at all, wont get my baby one either. I had a horrible reaction to the one I got a few years ago and ended.up getting sick with the flu a week later because of the shot.
    I dont find it needed but thats my personal choice
  • There are certain ones preg women can take. I cant remember what it is but something is taken out of them to make it safe for us. I need to get one. Everyone around here is getting the flu
  • Some shots contain the actual virus and that's why you get sick like nasal ones contain the virus not reccomended for babies and pregnant women. And some say they can't because it contains mercury but the dose is so low it doesn't harm anyone.
  • My doctor made me get a flu shot back in April. I probably won't ever get another one or get my kid one.
  • Doc made me get the shot two weeks ago. Never had a flu shot prior, nor the flu
  • I got mine...n a tetnaus (sp) shot
  • After getting ok'd by my doc I got one free through my work. The one safe for preggos and children is preservative free. I work with the nasty general public on a daily basis, so I thought better get covered.
  • No I will not. I've never had the flu shot and I don't plan on it.
  • My doctor strongly advised getting one and he offered them, so I got mine last week at my appointment
  • I got mine a few days ago. My second time ever to get a flu shot. The first time I got sick. I was reassured though that this was an inactive form and that I would not get sick from it. I better not!
  • I'm getting one. Its required by my job.
  • I will prob end up getting one...I have a lot of contact with the general public at work and @doodles is right there seem to be an awful lot of sneezing, hacking, flu-like people who don't wash their hands :( I read on the cdc website that baby has a significantly reduced chance of getting the flu in the first 6 months of life if mom had a shot...so I guess that's good! Thanks for your input ladies, I am a ftm and don't quite know what to do!!
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