advice back labor?

edited September 2011 in Pregnant
I know this has been asked but search sucks on my phone. What does back Labor feel like? I tried stretching and walking I am about to take a bath I haven't tried my ball yet but my back is KILLING me. Like a throbbing pain in my low back. I've been feeling braxton hicks or whatever on and off all day actually past 3 days but nothing consistent.


  • When I had back labor with my first I couldn't sit, stand, or lay. I was bent over the kitchen table crying. But I never once felt contractions in my tummy.
  • My contractons in my bak sumtimes feel Like Sharp pains but usually jus a constant dull throbbing like ur talking about
  • Ya its hurt to sit stand walk everything. I feel a little better after the bath but now I have period like cramps. Dull ache in my lower tummy. I have a high pain tolerance and this makes me wanna cry
  • O sounds like its ur time!! Ur lucky ! Good luck to u
  • Its def slowed down lol. Just a psych out prolly. Lol I didn't wanna go to hospital and be sent home so thank you very much fore answering my questions.
  • I had back labor with my son. It sucks... It's a constant pain... I also didn't feel the contractions over the back pain. I took a hot shower the first day it started, and it went away. The next morning it was back again and didn't go away. A friend of mine at work was timing my contractions by watching my belly. If it wasn't for her I may have delivered in the office! I was already dilated to 5-6 and 80% effaced when I got to the hospital.

    Don't mess around if it comes back.... Go to the hospital if it's too much. Good luck, Momma!
  • I will def keep an eye on it. Idk if I am dilated or not my Dr hasnt checked me. I am 35 weeks. So far back pain hasn't returned and just little braxton hicks here and there
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