Birth story

edited September 2011 in Pregnant
My water broke at 8.30pm wednesday the 7th of september. I went to the hospital after having a light meal and was put into a room until about 1am. I was getting painless xontractions and was sent home untill they either became regular and painful or untill 3.00 the next day. I went back in with regular contractions at about 11 the next morning. I was sent home that night again. I rang the hospital early hours the next morning and was told not to come back in yet. I decided after a couple of hours to go in anyway. They put me into a room and decided that I did actually need to be there and was in full labor. They gave me some morphine and the gas and some water injections that were supposed to help my back pain as she had her spine with mine.(i would not suggest these to anybody they are ouchy)They also put me on a drip to hurry things along. I was almost fully dialated by about 3.00 when the doctor came in to see what was going on he realised that my cervix jad tightened back to 6 cm. I was sent for an emergency cessarian and given an epidural. My baby was born with an infectionat 5.18 and had to spend a week in nicu but she is now at home and healthy. Lesson learnt, if your waters break dont let them send you home as it may cause an infection.


  • Wow! I'm glad that you were finally able to take baby home. Good advice though. After 24 hours you can get bad infections if your water has already broken.
  • Well it was left for 46 hours.
  • Cant believe they let you go home with broken waters!!!! But congrats on your baby and hope all goes well from here
  • Wow! I am also shocked they sent you home after your water broke! Did the test you to see if you were leaking fluid? Seems extremely negligent that they sent you home without checking or without caring about the risks. Glad that your little one is doing well. Congrats!
  • Glad ur baby is okay. Congrats!
  • Congrats! Glad you both are okay :X
  • they didnt do any tests but they knew my waters had broken. i was leaking fluid through the whole labour.
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