My induction is today FTM ;(

edited September 2011 in Labor
I'm so excited and can't wait to meet my little boy ;) I'm supposed to go to the hospital at 8 pm. And ill update throughout. But does anyone have any comforting words/ advice??? I'm very nervous


  • Good luck. You will do just fine! I was induced with my first after my water broke and I didnt progress. I had a fast and easy labor. Try and relax and it will help you progress faster. Keep us updated!
  • Are you planning to get an epi?
  • Just relax and rest while you can. Don't stress! It's ok to be excited, but try not to stess. I was induced with my third and it was a fast labor and I couldn't have asked for a better birthing experience.

    Good luck!
  • @proudmommy8789 yes epidural as soon as possible.
  • Lol I dont know what I was thinking trying to go natural. As soo. As the broke my water I couldnt handle the pain. And beg my hubby to tell the nurse I need one lol
  • @proudmommy8789 yea I don't know or understand the amount of pain ill go through,that's wats scares me the most.
  • Good luck!
  • Good luck u will do great
  • Good luck n just breathe in & out & I hope u eat sumn light before u go in bc they will starve u til ur baby is there.
  • Good luck!
  • @Mrsthompson34 me and hubby wanted to go out to eat before. What would you recocommend eating?? I don't want to be starving but I also don't want to be stuffed.
  • I mean u can eat anything but just not to the point ur too stuff n nothing that will make u poo when u push or make baby poo.
  • Try a soup and sandwich place
    Not too heavy but filling
  • With an epi you should be just fine. Relax as much as you can. I was induced on friday. Bur I didnt do an epi. Next time I might though...those contractions were rough big time lol. I wish you a fast and pain free labor :)
  • Just try to relax and don't be afraid I was induced when I was 16 yrs. I freaked out lol but thinking back it wasn't that bad get an epi if you can't handle the pain.try and think about finally meeting your baby good luck keep us posted
  • edited September 2011
    I would reccomend eating a normal meal (not stuffing yourself) before hand. They wont let you eat much, if at all once you get that epi because it can make you a little nauseous. If it does, make sure to tell them, ans they'll get u nausea meds right away.

    Contractions with pitocin hurt bad(no lie there) but the epi will take ALOT away. Follow your gut instinct. Don't be afraid to tell them if you hurt, feel something unusual, or need something to help with comfort. They checked me and I was at a ten, but high station, so they said Wed start pushing in 40 minutes, but after 5 I felt the need to push and get her out. They didn't believe me but she was crowning When They came in. Just always trust your body mama. The moment you see your little one, all the pain will be gone!
  • I don't know what kind of pain I will go through either but I am trying not to think or read about what kinda pain it is going to be lol I think the less prepaired I am for the pain the less nervous ill be but that is just me. Good luck with everything!
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