five weeks one day

edited February 2011 in First Trimester
Have any of you soon to be mommy been really moody?


  • Hmm I kno I have....I get mad and cry over everything
  • Very moody! And cranky and trying not to kill my husband. I even yelled at my dogs the other day...I never do that.
  • Hormones to blame ;) my husband said its gonna be a loong 9 months
    ...let them try dealing w hormones ;)
  • YEs, yes, yes! On top of quiting smokeing 3weeks ago im a big ball of, dont mess with me! I hope I colm down soon!
  • Oh me me me I even had a friend who guessed I was prego in week4 cause my mood. I'm stressing and being paranoid currently I'm 5weeks and experiencing slight bleeding
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