Babies born at 36 weeks?

So I'm 36+1 and had my cerclage removed 3 days ago. After removal I was 1cm 80%. I have been having contractions, irregular, but growing in intensity. Also some cramping. I had steroid shots at 34 wks because my cervix was thinning even then. So my question for you ladies with experience with premies, how long did your 36weeker have to spend in the nicu, if at all? I'm so worried that I won't make it to 37 wks and my little one will have to spend time in the nicu. I cant believe women try to self induce at 36wks. I mean, I get being tired of being pregnant, but I'm so scared that I won't make it another week!


  • My daughter was born at 36 weeks and had to spend two weeks in the nicu.
  • @cfa did you have steroid shots? Was it just for lung development or was she having trouble eating? I'm having a boy and they say that girls do better than boys...makes me even more nervous! :(
  • Lots of babies fare well at 36 weeks. Some do need more help from the nicu
  • The steroid shot will help development of the lungs. I don't think they would take cerclage out unless they thought you would be okay. Good luck and hope you and baby do well :)
  • @thirdtimesacharm Thanks! I'm just a worry wort. My first was born at 38 wks and perfectly healthy so I just don't know what to expect!
  • My Bro was born at 34 weeks and didn't need any time in the nicu depends on the baby
  • All Babys are different. I was born at 35wks went home with mommy.
  • Probably will not stay but a couple of days if at all. Steroid shot helps alot. On another note...not here much anymore so add me on facebook if you have one...CherylNMark Richard.
  • I will send you a request @Babynewyear2012 . Been trying so hard to keep this baby in....if I could just make it to next Saturday!
  • My niece was born at 36 weeks and went home with my sister. I hope baby comes healthy. Good luck!
  • My first son was born at 35 wks an he spent 10 days in the nicu.
  • @redhead25 @emy Thanks for the responses. Makes me feel a lot better! Gonna hold out as long as I can....every day counts!
  • Good luck hun!! :)
  • My first was born at 34 weeks without steroid shots and only spent 10days in the nicu because she wouldn't stay awake long enough to eat haha
  • @garagebandfan Thats really good for 34 weeks! I think the baby girls do better than the boys. My doc say for every day kept in utero is 3 days out of the nicu...until you make it term. Of course every baby is different. Is your baby still cooking? I've been lurking on your posts. :)
  • Im still baking! Can't believe it Haha im over 32 weeks now and every day that passes im way less stressed out... I have never had a cerclege before but all the research I have done about them say that once you take them out you normally have a week or two... try to take it as easy as possible.
  • Hey good luck to you and your baby. I can understand where you are. coming from. Just try not to work yourself up to much that is not good for you and your baby. I 'm 32 weeks and 2 days today and I feel like my baby boy is coming soon too. I have a 4 year old and I did not know that he was in my belly in till I was six's months and he came out when I was 30 weeks . And he came out and can home with me
  • Also, at 36 weeks my doctor is sending me home from the hospital if baby is still baking... try not to stress!!
  • Good luck with everything keep me posted I would love to know how you and your baby are doing. Keep your faith . God will hold your hand .
  • @garagebandfan Yes, I have found that the average time baby stays in after cerclage removal is 5-6 days. Every day counts at this point! I had an internal cerclage called a shirodkar cerclage. It used to be a permanent type of cerclage but my docs do a modified version that can be removed. The upside of this is I have a bit more cervix left than the traditional purse string (macdonald) cerclage. I'm hoping I have just enough left to get me to term, but at 80% effaced (last thursday) I just dont know! Hope you can keep that little one cooking until 36. You are doing great, momma!
  • @beebetty Thanks for your kind words of encouragement! I will keep you updated! :)
  • My daughter was born on 8/5 at 35+3 and spent 6 days in the nicu. She had a little breathing trouble and they were also monitoring for infection since I didn't get tested for gbs yet. She progressed everyday she was there and is now 9lbs and healthy as a little horse :)
  • Im 95% effaced and at least 3 cm dialted and have been for a while and im still holding you can do it!!
  • My son was born @36 weeks and didn't spend anytime in nicu. I believe they go by how much the baby weighs also. I think the baby has to be at least 5lbs.
  • My son that is now 12 was born at 27 weeks...spent 8 weeks in the nicu and come home at 3 pounds 12 ounces. He come home at 35 weeks gestation. I think you will be ok but I will be praying for at least anothet week for you.
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  • @new_baby_in_oct No I didnt get any shots, I wasn't expecting her to be early. She had to stay because her lungs were undeveloped.
  • I just delivered on 9/13 by induction to a lil girl at 36w 2d. No nicu. But she was getting tested for her sugars because of my diabetes. She had the cord wrapped under her right armpit & around her neck. Her right arm doesn't move but her hand & fingers do. I'm seeing a Neurologist for her soon. She's healthy otherwise.
    36 wks is a late preterm. I tryed nipple stimulation twice...once after sex a day before my dr appt....where they sent me for testing which I failed. So I was induced. I'm glad they took her though because she could've died with that cord!
  • @Babynewyear2012 Cant find you on facebook. Add me Jen Kikendall-Wilkinson.

    @one5one Glad your baby is doing well. Hope you get everything figured out with her arm!
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