ok this is getting really annoying!!

edited September 2011 in Health
I am 38 and 4 and literally everytime I eat something for the past 2. Days I have had a bowel movement .. I don't even have to eat to have them.. like a t least 5 times already, just today! What the hell is going on?!


  • I'm jealous I'm soooo constipated!!
  • Ssshhh dont question it be thankful that you are pooping lol

    Honestly, it could be a number of things like your body getting ready for labor (though it can be that way for a couple of weeks) or something you ate upset your stomach.
  • I started doing that around the same time u r doing it. Im 38+6 an its calmed down a little
  • Lol I am thankful.. but once a day is enough!.. @emy that's reassuring lol I am being induced tomorrow.. hopefully I wont have this problem while delivering lmao :( that would be embarrassing!!
  • Aww I wish u lots of luck tomorrow!!!
  • I've had that too...everything sends me to the bathroom...all day long...I will be glad when its over...I'm due in 2 weeks 2 days.
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