Being induced

edited September 2011 in Labor
I'm 39 weeks and 4 days. Unfortunately I have a very tight amount of time before I have to go back to work. I've tried everything possible that is safe for my baby. Walking,sex,Castro oil,hot baths,nipple stimulation,squats,relaxing ect. I have a feeling this baby is going to come late and I'm terrified. I never planned to be induced, I feel like its selfish of me,and im rushing gods plan. But I want to spend as much time possible with my son before I have to go back to work. :( so my question is, for u ladies who have been induced, how did it go and would u recommend it ?


  • I haven't been induced but here's a bump for you! Good luck I hope your baby comes soon! ****labor dust*******
  • I haven't been induced either but am planning on it as well if she doesn't come this week. Just think of it as a kick start to gods plan :)
  • I was just induced on Friday, an it went amazing. My watr was broke at 8, got my epidural at 915, by 3 I was dialted to a 5, by 4 I was at 8cm, an then by 445 I was a full 10, began pushing at 5 an he was delivered by 515 after only 4 pushes. I had a extreemly smooth labor and delivery. We're actually in the car on our way home now! :)
    I felt the same way about rushing. An I was worried about all the horror stories id heard bout being induced. But if u trust ur drs an an stay relaxed it'll go great. I wldnt change 1 thing about my induction delivery :) goodluck!
  • Thank u all so much. I'll let u all know how it goes, doc appt on Tuesday Ahh
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