I am sorry guys, but this needs to be said.



  • @marinesangel I want to bust out laughi.g but Ryleigh is finally asleep.. lmao.. its pretty confusing..
    I wonder if we are the same person???
  • @marinesangel I want to bust out laughi.g but Ryleigh is finally asleep.. lmao.. its pretty conf I an gonna interrupt this cuz I reloaded it at the right moment lmao :bz
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Haha.were just that awesome. That reminds me I have a funny story. But it'swaaaay to long to.text when I can get internet I will type it out
  • lmao omg, I got so confused reading that. I was like wtf I didnt write that..
  • ive been waiting to c u online all day.. damn intwrnet...
  • @marinesangel that just might be the case ... :/
  • Ugh...these posts r Sooooo redundant....'this app makes.me sad' 'mamakat this mamakat that' 'I'm drama free....but.....' Blah blah blah. Jeeez....way to be original. Everyone else IS enjoying the app for what it is...so u were banned... So go away.....please???????!!!!!
  • Lol that's how I am worth every comment :bz
  • @nicoleok87 ur input wasnt needed.. BYE BYE!!!!
  • @nicolek87 so what? We have the freedom of speech. Follow your words and don't post.
  • I'm so mean.
  • I just really want ppl like u to leave....ur not helping anyone or looking for help so why bother everyone??? I just don't understand...u said ur a mean person...so u know it and u like that about urself??? Why not just go away???
  • @NICOLEOK87 ACTUALLY get ur damn facts straight, we tried helping and she completely fucking ignored us because she is the type of person that has to control everything.. ittybitty (me) and krazymomofadrian is both commenting on here (if u havent caught on by now), she was JOKONG about saying she was mean. she wasnt rude or nasty in this post.. so YOU just go away.. thank you!!!
  • @nicolk87 I said that to the actual ittybitty. People like me? I helped nonstop in this site. I never caused drama. This is Krazymomofadrian btw. I have every right to say what I want. I am mean was said in response to something the real ittybitty said it was a joke. Cuz we are both using her profile so it looks like we are one person. Develop a sense is humor. This thread was fine until you commented.
  • Ok...I'm asking nicely...please go away???? Both of you:) its like being kicked out of a club and begging/finding a way to come back...its just sad now... But u probably won't listen to me if u won't listen to anyone else on this forum trying to get rid of ppl Like u so I guess I'm goin to bed....I hope ur gone in the morning...my theory is eventually we will get rid of all these type of ppl and the forum will calm down!!! I keep faith!!
  • @nicolek87 you must not get on here a lot cuz this IS krazymomofadrian why are you doing this. We are just having fun. I'm letting people I was close to know how to contact me. I am done taking to you. You are just ruining things and it's obvious what type of person you are.
  • @nicoleok87 shut the f*** up seriously. neither one if us has ever caused problems on this damn forum. so u can take 'people like u' to bed with u.. YOUR the one that just caused DRAMA. goodnight!!!!
  • Just leave her alone. Lets continue this before I get deleted.
  • okie doke.. who am I? me or you?
  • Your you I'm me
  • Aww ill miss you!!
  • but I thought I was u and u was me?
  • Hi @ethansmommy I remember having a comvo about teen mom's with you. Lol awwe.when are you do?
  • No ugh you got out all wrong. Ugh I'm so dumb lol
  • we dont even know who we are anymore. gosh darnit!
  • Were twins your the bad one I'm the good one. To an extent.
This discussion has been closed.