what do you believe?

edited September 2011 in Pregnant
So a couple nights ago I was at my frieds house. She has a weiner dog. This dog was super cuddly with me. My friwnd was confused cause this dog doesn't do that with anyone. So she was thinking maybe I'm pregnant but I told her that I don't know yet. So I researched it and it said dogs can tell before you can even take a test. So what do you think?


  • I could believe it..I know they say cats can tell..maybe its a hormone we produce that they can smell. Idk!
  • @angierich I wouldn't brush it off too easily as dogs and animals in general are much more sensitive. Is the dog male or female? Does it prefer women to men even though it isn't the cuddly type? I don't know if any of those could be factors, but just some other ideas. :)
  • Its a female dog and it doeant prefer one over the other
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  • My girl dog followed me around b4 I even knew I was preggers. She licked my belly. She still does.
  • My Pug Princess Duchess knew a week and a half before BFP!!! She was suddenly soooooo attached to me and strangely always nuzzled her head into my tummy every time I laid down or sat next to her. She NEVER acted like that before!!
  • That good to hear that I'm not nuts lol
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  • I believe it too I guess I will find out in a couple weeks
  • I believe it happened to me with my sister in laws dog and a friends cat!!
  • @littlenat86 do you have any animals cause I have 2 dogs and I don't notice them acting different at all
  • No I don't have any myself. When I was pregnant with my first we went round a friends and their cat who hardly ever bothers with people lay across my lap/belly the whole time. We weren't telling people either so it was hard to get round it! And my sister on laws dog followed me round and sat by feet during all my pregnancies! Especially during the early stages, she isn't so bad now!
  • I believe it ha ever since I've been pregnant everyone's pets have been super cuddly with me. Bd's dogs cuddle up with my tummy at night when we sleep, it's cute :)
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