advice, im a twin thinking it might be twins :/

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Well this past couple weeks I been feeling super sick, super tired and my boobs have been super sore. During my last pregnancy (m/c) I didn't have these symptoms as bad. I'm a twin and my sister had twins, so it hasn't skipped a generation for her. I'm worried because my stomach feels hard already and I'm certain it isn't bloating. I'm eatting a Hell of a lot and I keep dreaming its twins. I have got a date for first scan yet as I'm only 6weeks. Do you think it could be twins or my mind trying to mess with me. I've only ever wanted one child and for him or her to be an only child. So if it was twins is be heart broken. I hate being a twin and deffo don't want to have twins that resent being a twin. Advice please? X


  • My brothers r twins and my dad was a twin....I always wanted to b a twin....if u get if initial bloodwork done the first major clue is a high progesterone level so ask where u fall on the scale. Were u identical if fraternal....and what type did if SIS have....only fraternal is genetic
  • Un identical and un identical. I really hope its just one as selfish as it sounds, I couldn't do two.
  • Frat twins are in my family. Just remember that just because you hated being a twin that doesn't mean your little ones will too. My cousins love having twins
  • I feel u girl I hear how my mom struggled with two at same time....its deg hard work but just wait and see...six b crazy if both u and if SIS have twins. Don't feel bad for only wanting one but don't stress till u know what's up
  • @bex I just would be disappointed. I know many twins all of whom hate being one. I always wanted to be an only child and therefore only want one. Lol, I know this makes me a horrible person but I would be soo upset.
  • sorry for typos darn phone
  • My brothers love it....i think its based on family dynamics. At least u imo what u don't like so u can help avoid with ur sis twins and urs if n fact its twins
  • Lol true idk just scared I guess thanks for the advice @billye910 x
  • Lol I think natural....ill b great either way...keep us posted...have u had bloodwork yet...when is ur first us
  • Ull b great...not me lol
  • Good lucky me too ill mind have twins
  • My little brother n sister r twins n thy fight all the time...but I always wntd twins but since this is my first child n I'm still n school I dnt thnk I wnt twins nemre bcuz I dnt wnt ne mre thn 2
  • Fraternal twins run on my mom's side and she had identical twins. But they aren't as identical as some twins I've seen, so I wonder I'd they might actually be fraternal. My man told me twins run on his, side, too. And I started having something more than bloating at about 10 weeks. So I'm terrified I'm having twins, too. Midwife only found one heartbeat at my 10 week appointment, so I'm hopeful.

    Twins are tough, and it can ne frustrating to be a twin, I get where you're coming from. And they scheme together to get into more trouble when theyre young. My sisters tried to steal a car when they were 4 because they wanted Burger King for breakfast. Another morning they snuck out for the same reason but decided to walk and got brought home by the cops. I DON'T WANT THAT STRESS!!!!
  • Im a faternal twin... this will be my 3rd bby.. i was aiming for twins... no luck!! I also fall in the 3rd gen of twins thru both of parents side:.. Good luck
  • i think i would like for just 5 weeks along and feel supper bloated and stuff but deep down i want 2
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