congested newborn

edited September 2011 in Babies
How can I help him? He's 13 days old.


  • My daughter has been congested too. The Dr said to just use saline drops, steam from shower, and the bulb syringe to suction any boogers out. I feel horrible for her because she hates the saline drops.
  • Sorry my phone went nuts. Not a lot u can do..try saline drops and suction. Kerp him in more up right position...
  • Has he been like that since birth? Is he fussy? My baby sounded congested right after we came home from the hospital. Until she was like 3 weeks old. But she was never fussy, The doctor said it happens sometimes and not to worry. And just suction any boogies out.
  • Do what @kcike812 said... She was dead on!
  • my babies were all stuffy when they came home....we used a humidifier in their rooms (especially when its cold and dry outside) and when it gets reallybbad I would sit in the bathroom with the baby while the shower is running hot. Hope it clears up soon!
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