Group B Strep ????

edited September 2011 in Health
So I got a letter in the mail stating that I have group B strep. OK then there was a phamplet attached onto it. in the phamplet it stated that you cant be tested for strep B until you 35 weeks hmmm Im 32 weeks, so what is going on here. Why did my dr office not call and state this to me, oh I cant wait til tomorrow because I am snapping on somebody. anybody else have this, what is can you tell me about it ?


  • edited September 2011
    I had it when I was pregnant. Its not a disease or anything. I dont know how to explain it. Someone on here in the oast explained it really good.. Why did they do this so early? They usually test around 36 weeks because it comes and goes. They gave me pennicilin during labor. They didnt even tell me I was positive for it till I was being induced smh..
  • My doc tested at 35wks. I came back neg. But he had told me if positive u just get treated with an antibiotic during labor, like it wasn't a very big deal
  • edited September 2011
    I tested positive for group B strep my first pregnancy and I tested positive again this pregnancy. It's a bacterial infection in the virgina that isn't harmful to woman but can be extremely harmful to the baby if they are delivered vaginally and you don't get the antibiotic prior to delivery. My doctor tested me at 36 weeks. As long as you get the antibiotic prior to delivery, the baby will be ok. If for some reason you weren't able to get the antibiotic, they would have to do a c-section. My doctor told me that when I start having contractions and make that call to the hospital, that I just need to make them aware that I tested positive for group B strep. I delivered vaginally my first pregnancy with group B strep and thanks to the antibiotic prior to delivery I have a healthy 3 1/2 year old.
  • @mrsmitchell03 they did a urine culture. In the phamplet it states that its like a cotton swab during 35 week visit is this why you were induced???
  • so long as I get the medication as soon as contractions start im fine??? were you on the antibiotic for the entire labor??? and did you or will you get induced ? How did you get strep b? @expectingmy2nd
  • My contractions were 5 minutes apart for an hour before I headed to the hospital and I live 45 minutes from the hospital. They hooked me up to an IV with the antibiotic shortly after I arrived at the hospital. As long as you get the antibiotic prior to delivery, the baby will be fine. I was in labor for a total of 9 hours and 6 hours after I arrived at the hospital so that was plenty of time to get the antibiotic. I don't think they really know why some woman test positive for group B strep while others don't. It's just one of those things I guess.
  • @expectingmy2nd @mrsmitchell03 is your baby ok? In this phamplet it states a child can have lung brain or cerebal palsy
  • I had it at 29 weeks when I was in the hospital with contractions. What they are going to do is give you antibiotic in your Iv. Some women has it and some dont.
  • I had strep b with my first I was treated but the nurse forgot the saline so the meds came in to fast and didn't have enough time to work my son ended up with bacterial spinal meningitis make sure after ur water breaks u get to the hospital asap and make sure u receive the meds right away and they do it the right way u will be fine if treated right away and properly
  • edited September 2011
    @Mybabe, My daughter is 3 almost 4 and has a good bill of health.
  • Make sure you tell the hospital u have strep b as soon as you get there so they can give pinicillin %sp%your suppose to have to ivs of it 4 hours b4 you deliver . My labor went so fast I only got one but baby is fine a month old they just made me stay a extra day to see if it affected baby
  • 2expextingmy2nd Thanks!!! @rose_town_mommy when did your contractions start before or after your water broke? Im so nervous now that smh... @momof22be what all meds are you suppose to get inside your iv?
  • i might be off topic..but did the test hurt??
  • edited September 2011
    The test doesn't hurt at all @firsttimer
    And its just one med yes through an iv right befire delivery just make sure they turn on the saline u will be fine that is another reason why docs won't let u have ur water broke more than 24 hours
  • @momof22be thanks..i'm 31 i didnt want to get caught off guard if the DR says i have to get one
  • I was tested last week at 36w. My doctor swabed both my vagina and anus. She explained it to me that it's like having strep throat in your vagina. I'm negative but like others stated you just get antibiotics during labor. It's not harmful to you but it is extremly harmful to baby,
  • @jess510 thanks you just got my nerves worked back up lol [-X
  • @Mybabe I'm sorry.... as long as you get meds you and baby will be fine. Don't stress I read it is VERY common.
  • I truely hope so cause the phamplet I read I couldve had a heart attack lol!!! @jess510
  • My contratcions started 5am and water broke at 10 pm it will be fine dont forget to tell them
  • @rose_town_mommy thanks and all other ladies thank you for your help and advice!!!
  • My sister had it with both her pregnancies and it wasn't serious. The antibiotics were in an iv for 4 hours I think. Maybe they tested you early? I know they don't like to test you until 36 weeks cause you can go from negative to positive after that. Maybe it will be the opposite for you and you will test negative after 36 weeks. I wouldn't stress too much mama :)
  • @akmommy I think its too late I even made the mistake of calling and telling my mom and that got me more worked up because she is worked up. The joys of hormones! I hope it was just an early testing and everything goes negative.
  • I will be getting my done at my next appointment :/ I will be 36 weeks then and I'm so no try looking forward to it. this is my third baby and I don't ever remember getting this tesad t done with my other kids.
  • Awww Lol I'm sorry love! Honestly I wouldn't stress too much, baby will be fine :) its extremely common and you can have it while not pregnant and it doesn't do anything. Its precautionary I think. I've got my fingers crossed that it will end up negative to save you some stress. Being pregnant is hard enough without extra stress :)
  • @akmommy thank you. being pregnant is a task and I am learning this parenting might not be that easy lol !!!
  • It is! Lol I'm a ftm too so I had no idea Lol no sleep is crazy let me tell you, but so totally worth it when you see that pretty baby smile :)
  • I mean it isn't easy Lol
  • lol @akmommy I am waiting for those moments !
  • Sorry it took so long. no, I was induced because I had preeclampsia. I had many problems towards the end. My son was fine, but I ended up having a c section. I think if I didnt have the pennicilin something couldve happened after they broke my water because he was in the birth canal. Im not sure though. Ya 35-36 weeks they swab down there and test you. Hmm I wonder what your dr will have to say.
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