Washing baby clothes????

edited September 2011 in Pregnant
How many of you think its real important to wash your baby's clothes before they wear them? I am trying to decide if its necessary, lol. I did have some hand me downs that I'm washing but what about all the brand new clothes? Any advice would be appreciated!


  • With my first I didn't. But this time around I did.
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  • I didn't with my first, but a dr told me it's really important to wash them in dreft because so many people handle them and cough and sneeze and use the restroom and dont wash their hands before touching stuff..
  • Clothes from the store are treated with chemicals *like famalderhide (I know I spelt that wrong, embalming fluid)*
    if I don't wash before wear I get horrible rashes and my son got my skin.
  • Huh, ok.. that's interesting...
  • I didn't wash any of the new clothes except what I picked for her to wear home and her blankets. I wash them right before she wears them because you never know how fast they will grow so I left the tags on them in case I needed to exchange them. I also was terrified that they got her gender wrong in the scan and that I would have all pink stuff I couldn't return in case she turned out to be a boy Lol
  • I washed mine in all free and clear I don't think u necessarily have to use dreft or whatever its called
  • I didn't wash any, and when she got home she got everything dirty so quick they were washed right away anyway.
  • I'm washing everything.. so many people sneeze and cough and get germs on everything its crazy. I even wash pre packaged things so it won't be as stiff or have that plastic smell.
  • You should wash new clothes really due to the chemicals used and dyes etc. And you never know how sensitive your babys skin may be. Personally, I think its beneficial anyway as the clothes will then smell of your washing powder/liquid and becomes a familiar and comforting sensation. I know my daughter at age 8 still likes the comfort of "our" washing smell. Makes her feel safe and calm so, I think it can only have the same effect on the little one.:-)
  • Oh no i couldnt not wash them! U dont know who was touching them in a shop and they smell horrible and plasticy + they feel hard! I washed all mine 3weeks ago and now just waiting for my lil one to come.
  • I did a load of hand me downs last night and I did like having our smell on them. And I agree, it does take the stiffness away. I may have enough for now, so I think ill wait on the others until she is here. Thanks ladies! :)
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