if you already had your baby

edited September 2011 in Pregnant
....who came to see you/baby in the hospital?
I don't feel like I want anyone except people who are/have been really close to me. Like people that won't even answer daily text or phone calls are saying they want to come see me and baby in hospital. I'm thinking, if you don't want to answer or hang out before the baby, why should I let you come to the hospital? I feel like they can wait a couple weeks.

Bf thinks otherwise. He thinks they should all come to the hospital because that's what they do after a baby. I'm thinking....I've waited 9 months for this boy, feeling him kick and turn and get hiccups and I've changed my diet, lifestyle, finances and dealt with pains, sleeplessness, etc....I want to spend alllllll the first moments with him :(


  • just one of my friends i dont live by family
  • 2 of my closest friends and a bunch of family..its nice to bond with baby but u probably won't mind company, hospitals can get a little boring lol
  • @ethansmommy122 well I have my parents, bf, best friend, sister, bfs mom, bfs two sisters all ok'ed by me to come in. But (yes this sounds weird) my aunt, cousins, etc all want to come. They didn't even tell us when they had their babies, nor did they invite us to their weddings, baby showers, etc.... I just don't feel like I want them there for my special moment :/
  • I feel the same as you. My bfs family hasn't been here my whole pregnancy. No phone calls asking how is everything is going, no texts, no dropping by. We were really close before and now nothing? i don't feel like i want to share our time with any of them. So if anything they can wait.
  • My hubby, my parents, my 2 yr old and my little brothers
  • oh this was a BIG deal for me...both mine and hubbys fams are HUGE!
    my sister and my hubby were there the whole time..then
    my mom, dad, gma&gpa on dads side, gma&gpa on moms side, my aunt and two cousins, his mom, dad, brother, two sisters, his gma on his dads side, his gma&gpa on his moms side all the day Levi was born. i had an emergency c-sec and they ALL got to see him b4 me :(

    b4 i left the hospital, three good friends, three more sets of aunts and uncles some guys my hubby works with and a preacher all got to see me in all my glory!

    i was induced eary for high blood pressure...u think ppl would get a hint...and baby was in the nicu for three days then everyone was griping that they hadnt got to "hold him" :( boo hiss...neither have i!!!!!

    anyway ya it can totally suck! i wish i would have put my foot down sometimes..but then i think..i was so drugged it didnt matter at the time so why make an ass of myslef! haha!
  • My mom and boyfriend were there when I delivered (my mom cut the cord lol) waiting outside the room was my dad, my grandma, my aunts Kathy cindy n Peggy, my cousins Jessi, Jaymi & Sami, my cousins baby...about 15 min after my boyfriends mom, dad, grandpa n step grandma, and his 5 year old daughter later on I had lots friends n family
  • The people who visited me in the hospital were the people who were in the delivery room with me--my mom and my boyfriend. My dad, brother, and grandma saw Daniel when we got home from the hospital. Everyone else waited at least a couple weeks. I just wanted to get to know my son, not pass him around.
  • i only had my parents, and my brother, and then my bfs mom and dad and brother and sister. and then 2 of my bfs friends. i didnt want a ton of people there. we didnt even tell my bfs mom until after we had her lol. i hate his mom and his sister
  • @captainmorgaine that last thing you said, that's exactly how I feel. I want to hold him not pass him around person to person... but bf thinks differently :'( he said a long time ago that he feels like I get to experience pregnancy so he and others should get to experience holding him. Idk I feel like, I've waited this long and put in all the work, I should get to hold him as much as I want at first
  • i haven't, but don't want my "friends" to vist since they haven't even bother to spend ANYTIME w/me..
    but family except rude aunt and snoby daughter i don't want around
  • Nobody :/ my mom & boy/f were there. Sell, our roomates came, but that doesnt count. No baloons, no flowers, no cards :/. Makes me jealous of my sister when shee had my nephew. Majority of our fam was there (i did moce 1500 miles away though)

    Blah, anyway...
  • I was the same just had my mum and bd at birth then his parents came with my 4year old and then sis inlaw and my Nana took us home while everyone was at work... i couldn't be bothered with visits or texts or phone calls... you just get too tired.. the only other person i told was my bestfriend
  • Just my sister in law and nephew. And that was only because they were dropping my mother inlaw off to see baby
  • The first person who will visit will b my 6 year old besides the obvious, BD. I want her to bond with her sister before n e other family gets to. No 1 will b allowed to visit until my princess visits. Then after she does his fam can n mine. I only want his immediate fam which are his sisters mo brother n 3nieces. My fam includes my mom dad sister n her bf n my bro. Idk if my bf will want to have his guy friends stop by....but I'd rather have them all c her when we leave the hospital. It's bonding time...no randoms should b there. Especially if they didn't give a crap before. I only had one person that I invited to my baby shower so if u couldn't make it to that after u told me.u would b there y the hell would I want u at the hospital...
  • My best Friend that i known since 5th grade And her sister came to visit me.
  • In the room I had my husband, my mom and his mom. After my son came there was quite a bit of people.
    My dad, my oldest brother and his wife, both of my aunts , my cousin and his wife, and my grandpa.
    His dad came, his uncle, aunt, both cousins, and one of his cousins husbands.

    My best friend came too, and one of my other close friends.
  • I feel the same way. I only want MY immediate family there in the first week it two. Lol bfs family is a little much at times.
  • I had my mom step dad two brothers and step sister come. On my fiances side only his grandparents came. when I had a c section and after he was born in the hall my mom, his mom his grandparents, and his aunt and uncle,were waiting to see our son.
  • Umm my parents, 2 of my sisters, my brother my uncle and aunt. Jude mom and his friend. That's it. All spread out the only ones who see him consistently r me Jude my patents and little sister. Everyone else can wait till he is out of the hospital and even than idk if I want to share with them my special moment of having him home especially after waiting so long to get him there.
  • With my last 2 anyone who decided came. It was summer and I didnt really pay much mind to it. I did start getting upset with my 2nd cuz my husband has big family and as soon as I got out of hospital I had to go to a family thing and everyone wanted to hold my baby. They did that with my 1st. Didnt like that at all. But im shy and let it happen. This time I will be delivering in dec. Probably right before christmas. so I would like to restrict visitors. But chances are it wont happen. I dont even know where I will be living when she comes. :(
  • Oh no then! Keep it special with the ones u want there!! I wouldn't tell anyone! ;)
  • When I had my first one my entire family (including 3rd cousins) were at the hospital waiting for me to have her. The entire waiting room was full! It was very intense and overwhelming. This time (my fourth) I have told friends not to come by until the next day because the 6 of us want an evening together, alone and quieet. Dont be afraid to say NO..this is your family and YOUR time! Good luck :)
  • They won't allow everyone to come in room so it's your special day what yoy say goes
  • I had two friends my immediate family and the fathers immediate family I'm not big on a bunch of people in my personal space
  • All my inlaws came. My family loves 8 hours away so they didn't come down until 2 wks after. But this time im saying no one. Maybe after the baby is born but I really want to get BFing down while im at the hospital. I had a c section so I was so tired and they just kept coming and staying forever so I couldn't whip my boob out in front of the kids so I wound up using formula. So this time im being a beotch! Lol
  • This has been a big issue that my hubby & I have thought about as well. I'm very private and kept to myself and my husband is very social and in the middle of everything. I dont want hardly anyone there but I know I need to share. Like you've said, I've dealt with all the aspects of this pregnancy for 9 months, I want to keep her to myself (& hubby) as long as possible but I know everyone else is going to want to hold her and take care of her too.
    We finally made this plan and we are hoping to stick to it.. Just hubby & I are going to be in the delivery room. Everyone else is going to be in the waiting room.. we are going to take 2 hours to ourselves after the baby is born (just me, hubby, and baby).. then bring in my parents and his parents for a little bit.. then my brothers and his sister.. then my grandparents and his grandparents. That way my husband and I get time with her before we have to share.. and then each set we bring in gets time with her before bringing in more people. If anyone else shows up, I'm going to ask the nurses to tell them to come back at a later time.
  • It was just me and Hubby. My Mon grandma and moms boyfriend came out when she was four days old. Hubby's family didn't see her till she was 3weeks. We have no family where Hubby is stationed. I LOVED it just being the 2 of us we got to bond as a family before he deployed.
  • EVERYONE!! My man, mom, both grandma, dad, Aunty, 2uncles, 8cousins, his mom, dad, both grandmas, grandpa, 2uncles, 3sisters, 3cousins, 3friends. Ummm... I think that's it. Lol.
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