Enema to induce labor? What is she talking about?

edited September 2011 in Third Trimester
My friend is 38+6 and wants to avoid induction so she is going to try to get things started on her own. At 38 weeks she started trying lots of sex, walking, bouncing on an exercise ball, and pineapple. She had her appt today and she is not even dilated and still at 100% with a high and hard cervix. I've never heard about enemas for induction, so I asked my Mom, who is a retired L&D nurse and lactaion consultant. She said they used to give them back in the day to clean women out before labor started, but it usually caused contractions and put them in labor. She said it hasn't been used for years as a standard prior to labor, but she doesn't know why they stopped using it. Is this safe? Does anyone know?


  • I know in 2009 when i gave birth to my daughter the nursr asked me if i wanted sum type of medicine or enema i forgot wich one it was. but i asked her what it was for she said so u can clean u out so u dont pop while pushing she said u didnt have to it was up to me . so i guess its up to the hospital
  • edited September 2011
    @misscali3 I see, so if they offered it you it must be safe. Even if it doesn't start labor at least she won't poop while pushing! Lol!
  • I dont wanna poop while pushing!
  • I think she is far enough along that she will be ok. If you read the fleets enema box it warns against use in 3rdthe trim because the potential for inducing labor.
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