I had the same thing happen 3 times before this pregnancy. We finally gave up and lived life without dwelling on it. We went out had fun with friends then out of no where we were expecting once again but this time we told no one kept it a secret tried not to get too excited and felt like getting an ultrasound too soon was a jinx so had our dr wait till we were in the clear and now we're 35 weeks. It'll happen for you before you know it. Goodluck!
Could it be possible that maybe you aren't as far along as you thought? I'm so sorry you are going through this. Maybe they can do blood work to see what's going on.
I changed my diet..i was so devastated after my second loss. I exersized, ate a somewhat balanced diet, lightened up on the caffienee, started taking prenatals, got hubby to take a multivitamin, we both added vitamin c (doc said it helps with fertility) just had fun and 2months later got a positave. I am 39+3 today with a healthy babygirl. So I know its poss..yes I still think about my other little ones I lost but everything happens for a reason. And with this one at first we didnt say anything to anyone until we saw a heartbeat and got our date. Good luck mamma, it WILL happen I promise =] I hope this helps.
@1stWoodsBaby My OB was pretty upset with the findings today top. She suggested doing some lab work after this one just to see if there are any obvious reasons why this would be an issue. I have a healthy 3 1/2 year old with my husband and he's been the dad to the last two pregnancies, so I'm sure it's not him. @Kingsmama That's new to me. I'll have to ask about it. Thanks for the suggestion. @TexasBeauty2787 We kept things secret this time around because of last time. We were trying not to get too excited, but when I felt like crap all day, every day, it was hard not to be hopeful. I'm so happy for you knowing you're having a healthy baby after everything you've gone through to get her. @navybabyontheway No. I'm sure of my dates. I'm completely compulsive...I know the last period exactly, so unfortunately that's not a reason. @mommy_rel I guess now I have a really good amount of motivation to get myself healthier. I drank tons of caffeine before I got pregnant. We can always be more healthful. Thanks for the uplifting words. @ all thank you guys for your support
I had a blighted ovum before this pregnancy as well....and like you I didn't understand how I could have all the symptoms of a pregnancy but no baby....I found out at 7 weeks and 3 weeks later still no MC, felt like crap and was gaining weight. Even went to get second opinion, my numbers were steadily going up, finally the doc suggested a DNC bc my body was holding on to the empty sac. I don't want to give you false hope, while researching blighted ovum I came across a website that had a lot of women that were told they had a BO only to go back a week or so later and thir be a baby there. But here I am 32 weeks with our last baby....so keep re faith. Good luck and God Bless.
@ash1la Sorry to hear about your blighted ovum before. I wish I could get my hopes up and say a baby will magically appear for me in a week, but I had 2 in-depth ultrasounds at a radiology center to confirm my diagnosis both times...and I have been 9 & 10 weeks, plenty long to see something. I'm trying to keep positive though and am just hoping that the third time will be the charm. Thanks girl
Ah hun I am sorry. My friend had 4 mc's she was under the doctor but they never found a reason, she is now 24 weeks pregnant and all is going well. just seemed to be one of those things. Glad your doctor is looking into it some more to make sure for you
I had an mc in December that was spontaneous so never got to look into why it happened. But when I got pregnant this time I knew my dates etc but when I went for an ultrasound I discovered I was 2weeks less pregnant than I should have been... Apparently I ovulated later in the month than normal so scan at 7 weeks showed a sac only... Had to wait another 2 before we got a heart beat... Its a small possibility that something like this could be the case for you also.... If not im very sorry for your loss and wish you all the luck on having a healthy baby when your in a position to try again %%-
I have to agree w @tinka1326 when I had my last cycle which was Jan 18 of this yr, I knew or thought I did know when I ovulated, but when they did an ultrasound come to find out I ovulated later, so wheen they did the scan all it showed was a sac and they did another a wk later to confirm and there was a heartbeat. Not trying to get hopes up but just let u know it is possible. Either way I am sorry that u r going through this. U might also have them ck your progesterone levels that can have an affect on things as well.
Yes have them check your levels.....I had blood work done before my BO and my levels were low....I don't know if it played a factor or not but for this pregnancy they put me on progesterone bc the doc said it couldn't hurt any.....I hope the best for you and the family.
Good morning, I have had 5 miscarriages. After weeks and weeks of testings they found I have a chromosome problem called balanced translocation, which causes miscarriages and is found in 1 in 600 ppl. It is genetic, but noone in my family has miscarried. Have them test your karyotype. I also take progesterone, many women have low levels which causes miscarriages as well. I wish u the best.
@Kingsmama That's new to me. I'll have to ask about it. Thanks for the suggestion.
@TexasBeauty2787 We kept things secret this time around because of last time. We were trying not to get too excited, but when I felt like crap all day, every day, it was hard not to be hopeful. I'm so happy for you knowing you're having a healthy baby after everything you've gone through to get her.
@navybabyontheway No. I'm sure of my dates. I'm completely compulsive...I know the last period exactly, so unfortunately that's not a reason.
@mommy_rel I guess now I have a really good amount of motivation to get myself healthier. I drank tons of caffeine before I got pregnant. We can always be more healthful. Thanks for the uplifting words.
@ all thank you guys for your support
U might also have them ck your progesterone levels that can have an affect on things as well.