Trying to get babies on a schedule..any tips, pls?

edited September 2011 in Babies
My 5day old is like a rockstar, party all night-sleeps all day. & doesn't like sleeping by himself :( Can someone please give me some tips on how to get him on a schedule & to sleep in his bassinet/crib? Any tips on how to soothe him when he is crying? He cries a lot :( any tips/advice are GREATLY APPRECIATED, thanks ladies ;)


  • try and keep him up during the day. another thing that helps is a nice full belly and a bath before bedtime. when i do that for my daughter she usually sleeps about 4 to 6 hrs afterwards. also have you tried laying him in different positions? my daughter only sleeps on her side or belly. and try rocking him to sleep then laying him in there
  • @jazzi89 thanks so much, I lay him on his side & he wakes up ALL the time, I've been scared to lay him on his tummy :/
  • ya i wouldnt lay him on his belly that young, unless its on ur chest or something. when he wakes up try soothing him. dont pick him up but rub his back or pat his back shh him. i dont use a paci but if you do try that as well. otherwise let him cry for a bit. my daughter wakes up and cries for about 2 mins and then falls back asleep. ive learned to let her cry for a bit before i go to her and wake her all the way up
  • and you could try swaddling him. my daughter hated it but yours might like it
  • They can't tell day from night for a few weeks. Trying to keep them up could result in them being over tired, which sucks lol swaddling, rocking and baths are worth a shot, but you may just gave to grin and bare it for a bit.. :(
  • I justread that introducing lots of natural light during the day and keeping them up , and then at night when they wake for feedings don't over simulate them no tv keep light at a minimal. :)
  • @kelleymomma thanks girl ;) I'm gonna try that out today
  • Not a problem! :)
  • U can't put a baby that young on a schedule. They still aren't aware of their surroundings. I didn't put my son on a schedule till he was almost 9weeks old. He is now 2days shy of 14 wks, and he has his days where he don't wanna follow it. But when u do u gotta be constant. Good luck, u will find what works out for the both of u, and my son was like urs, up all night and sleeted during the day. They will get their times straighten out it jus takes time and patience. This is my first child and its a joy! GL mama :)
  • also keep the light off at night
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