how much milk is to much??

edited September 2011 in First time moms
okay my baby was born on Saturday the 17th afternoon went home sunday night with him
they told me to feed him an once every 3 hours
but now my baby wants milk about every 2 hours now
should i be feeding him more or what?
and sometimes i go an once and a half


  • i've heard to just give it to knows what they want..even if he/she spits it up.
  • They usually feed like that to get your supply up. My baby is a week old and she usually feeds every 3-4hrs but yesterday she feed nearly every hour and nearly a full night of feeding on her first day.
  • you can try giving him more, like a 2oz bottle (if you're giving him a bottle) my daughter did the same thing. she would eat one ounce at the hospital and once we got home she started wanting more and I fed her 2 oz. As long as he eats the bigger amount and doesn't spit it up he is fine.
  • The second I got home from hospital I swear this boy wanted more we went to 3oz every 2-4 hours he's 2weeks n he eats 3-4 oz now let the baby tell u when he hungry...sometimes it takes an hour to eat a full bottle. Then half hour he gets pissy n we do everything to make him happy so if it isn't working we. Give a half oz n he's out lol
  • When we came home my son was eating 3oz every 3hours!!! He was 9lbs 4oz
  • My son's very similar to @augustbaby ...he was born at 9lbs 9oz now he's up to 9lbs 13oz...and he's eating 3.5-4oz every 4ish hrs. He's 16 days old. Some days he wants more an hour after he finishes, so if he's clean and dry, I'll give him another ounce. I'm breastfeeding & pumping, and supplementing with formula because he eats so much lol
  • I had to do the son is now 7... weeks...I had to supplement also! They will let u know...if he's spitting up it may've been too much. My son is up to 5oz every 3-4 hours
  • i feed on damand. i dont want her on a schedule this little min eats every hour and is 12 weeks
  • thanks everyone!
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