its long...hope you read...I gotta get this off my chest!!!! UPDATE!!

A little background first. I met my fiance on Facebook of all places. We both met eachother at the end of our marriages. Both of us were ending our relationships and just happened to meet eachother. His ex is named Sunny. Well, Anthony and I have been together for over a year. His ex was nice to me but I found out recently she had other plans up her sleeve.

Okay, back in March, she finally met a guy named Sam, I was glad because the bitch needed to move on and get over Anthony. She told me she was wanting to marry him and have his baby. GREAT!! found out I was pregnant March 29th and in April her and Sam broke up. She told me Sam was verbally abusive. I didn't believe it because everyother sentence that comes out if her mouth is a LIE. This girl lies about everything, even believes her lies. Dont know why either. I joke and say she lives in Sunny land, but the truth is, she really is dilusional and does live in a fantasy world.

Skipping ahead a bit to make this story short. In July I came home for a month to visit family. While at the beach, Anthony called me and told me that Sunny was going to prison because the idiot broke parole again. This was great news for us. This ment that Anthony could get custody of his youngest, get the divorce, and move here to NC with me!! Anthony told Sunny that she was caught and needed to turn herself in. He told her because he wanted the kids SS cards, birth certificates and clothes and toys. She said okay she would. The next day she told Anthony she spoke to a lawyer, and he was doing paper work for the divorce and she was giving Anthony full custody of their son. Turned out to be a lie. We have no clue what she really spent the week doing. Well in august I get back to Texas and things go bad between Anthony and I. I got very hormonal and mean and we were arguing. I got scared, packed my stuff and spent two days driving back to NC with my youngest daughter.

Skipping ahead. Anthony and I work things out and we decide that he will move here with me after tax season. Here is where it gets interesting. I'm minding my own business one night and get a friend request from Sam, Sunnys ex. I accept it and we start talking. He assumes me and Anthony broke up because I'm in NC. He tells me the reason they broke up is not because of what Sunny told me but what Sunny and Anthony were doing. He said sunny told him that Anthony and her were sleeping together up until she met Sam in march. Said that sunny and Anthony Texted eachother all the time and when he told sunny he wanted to pay for her divorce so they could get married, she refused because she said Anthony doesn't want to divorce her and won't go for it. Of course I was pissed and had to have time to sort it out on my own so I broke up with Anthony again. Also, Sam had letters from sunny in jail and she told Sam her and Anthony were working out their marriage and were going to be a family again. Well, after I started back tracking and spent some days thinking about it, I came to the conclusion she was lying. I always knew where Anthony was at all times. He did go to her house to get his kids but would only be gone for about 5 minutes because she lived a couple blocks away. The texting wasn't possible because the only cell we had was mine and I always had it. She also told Sam that Anthony got a girl pregnant at kmart and she was due in September. Another lie. She would also get phone calls late at night and would tell Sam it was Anthony calling and she would leave for 30 minutes. I knew that wasn't true because I was always at the house and never once did sunny come there. I think she was really leaving to do drugs with someone. The letters she wrote Sam are real because he mailed them to Anthony and he read them all. He told his ex in laws he was moving to NC this coming week. They go and call sunny in jail and sunny calls Sam bitching and crying, telling Sam its his fault Anthony is leaving and he ruined her chances of trying to get back with Anthony. Tomarow morning, Anthony is going to the jail to confront her. Before, he couldn't stand her but now he fucking hates her. He is going to tell her the only reason why he ever married her is because he needed someone with money to help get his oldest son back and he never loved her. He is going to show her the letters so she can deny it. He is also going to tell her that he spoke to an attorney and since she is in jail for two years she doesn't have to sign the papers, the divorce will be granted and since she can't come to NC for the custody hearing he will automatically get custody of the youngest boy. He is also going to tell her that he is going to push for no visitation because she is unfit and does drugs but if he can't then he is going to push that she come here to see her son because she can't be trusted. Im glad she is in jail but I would love to whoop her ass. If you are interested I will update tomarow after he confronts the lying, coniving, spiteful bitch.


  • Good god. Well I'm glad she is in jail and cant get to yall ugh
  • She sounds like a real "GEM". Geez
  • Damn that's pretty crazy! Almost like tv lol. I would want to beat her ass too after her causing you a whole world of problems! I want to know what happens tomorrow haha :-) hopefully she won't get visitation!
  • She lied to Sam and told him she had full custody of her son and step son. Before Sam left he told Sunny he wanted to confront us and tell me Anthony was cheating on me because I had a right to know who I was with so I could decide to leave. She freaked out and told Sam that is he did that then Anthony would take her kids. Sam figured out then that Sunny was lying
  • Oh here is a horrible story. Their first son died after a month old. During the whole pregnancy, sunny would leave and claim she was seeing the doctor. She went when Anthony was at work. Anthony would ask for ultrasound pics and she would always say the machine wouldn't print because it was broken. Well she went into labor two months early and come to find out the cord was wrapped around the babys neck. Anthony said looking back on it he said she never looked pregnant or never said she felt the baby kick. Well her dad is a doctor and he wheeled her down to the OB she said she was seeing. The woman looked at sunny and said ma'am, I have never seen you in my life. Come to find out she never got prenatal care and lied Everytime she said she was going to a doctor appointment. She still to this day has no explaination of why she lied. Well the baby died and no one knows why. I don't care what anyone says. That bitch caused her sons death because of her actions
  • Omg that woman sounds like a nightmare...definitely living in her own world. She sounds like she needs a mental examination...
  • omg im glad shes in jail! i hope if she does get visitations that its supervised(sp). and i would love to see an update tomorrow
  • Oh my...just have him take care about what he says during the confrontation. Crazy like that will spend her whole jail time plotting revenge to ruin you guys when she gets out. Yikes! Be careful...
  • Sounds like sunny needs mental help. Jail will help with that. Hopefully she can get the help she needs & get out of your life a bit more. Plz update tomorrow!
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  • @2BeForgotten Anthony thinks she was doing drugs and didn't want the doctor to know and that's why she didn't get prenatal care. She is in jail because she wrote herself payroll checks at work. The day she got arrested she told Anthony it was for unpaid speeding tickets. He didn't find out what it really was until he went with her to court. He has no idea what she spent the money on. She didn't report for a year and went to jail a year ago. Which, by the way, she would leave and tell Anthony she was seeing her probation officer. She went to jail and he was gonna leave her then but her parents begged Anthony not to. That was February of last year and I met him in June. He kicked her out finally before we took our relationship any further. Well she still wasn't reporting her paying her restitution which is why she is doing the two years now. All she had to do was report to cominity service and pay. Her parents gave her the money for that. She never went though. When he kicked her out and I was going through the house, I found credit cards in her relatives names. Oh, and she worked taking care of dying elderly people. Anthony found out later that she was robbing.them. jewelry, money, medication. Could you imagine trusting someone to care for your dying mom and find out she is stealing her heirloom jewelry and meds that she needs so she isn't suffering in pain?
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  • Well Anthony went to the jail house. He couldn't see her because she never put him on the list as a visitor. I'm glad about that because that means she wasn't hoping he would come see her but it makes me mad because he couldn't confront her. He said he was going to write her a lengthy letter and tell her everything he has been holding in, including telling her that he feels she killed their first son. I know she has brought it up to me before but I didn't want to hurt her so I told her Anthony doesn't blame her, but I dont care anymore. He is going to write it next week when he gets here so I can see that nothing was left out and I can see that he did, indeed, tell her that he hates her and would never be with her if she was the last woman on the face of the earth.
  • Wow, it sounds like Crazy is really in for it...maybe it'll get her to do some thinking while she's in there...
  • Oh wow. I'm so sorry that ya'll have had to endure this. She needs to just be completely out of ya'll's life for sure. I'm glad that she went to jail and that he is getting custody of his kid. She needs to stay in jail a helluva lot longer than just 2 years. My cousin was in jail for 2 years. She was sober for all of a 3 months before she started shooting up pain pills again.
  • @rckprincess2 she wouldn't stop using while pregnant and wouldn't do community service knowing she would go to prison and not her son. Can you believe she has been begging her parents to try to stop Anthony from leaving the state. Like they can stop him. I'm sure if they could they would try though. Sunnys mom has already called anthonys mom asking a bunch of questions, wanting to know how the hell he had the money to move in the first place. Nosy bitch. Anyways, if sunny couldn't stop using while pregnant and couldn't stop using while on probation which is why she wouldn't report, then she will use again. She doesn't deserve her kid and I hope a judge will see that.
  • wow!! well it seems like all is catching up to her and hopefully this will be the last piece that breaks the camels back and gets it together although by the sounds of it it seems like her addiction has already secreted its way in her like a leech.....i hope the best for you guys and hope that this lady gets the point of Anthony not wanting to b with her anymore and leave you guys far as their child i feel bad bc his mother cant even put him ahead and only wants him for selfish reasons...smh
  • @Mamato2boys her step son told me once that Sunny would wish on stars for her and Anthony to be back together, and Anthonys mom told us Sunny said that she was once asked by a friend how she could be nice to me after what I did. She said her response was keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Oh, the town we lived in had 1600 people in it and her father was mayor. Well, before I moved there she told everyone I was a homewrecker and Anthony kicked her out only because of me. She doesn't bother mentioning what she does behind closed doors. Well everyone got the wrong impression of me and I always got dirty looks and people were always rude to me
  • omg this crazy lady really does live in her own little world lol
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