My miracle baby!!! (please read)

edited September 2011 in Birth Stories
Let me start by saying I am truly blessed. I was supposed to be due September 14th but had to go in for an induction on the 19th that didn't go quite as planned. My cervix was still closed and thick all Monday. They inserted the pill twice and it didn't even leave a small dent in my cervix lol. Day 2 was petocin and contractions all day til I finally got to 3cm due to that folly (sp) ball they inserted. After that doctor said get an epidural so I can break your water. That was good news to me, finally some changes. So I got an epidural, which he tried in like 5 spots. Talk about a scary moment. And then they broke my water. Later that night I dilated to 4cm and by the next day which is day 3, September 21st I started progressing with the petocin. I reached 10cm by 12:00p.m and started pushing shortly after. I pushed for almost 2hours and then the baby's head got stuck. They kept telling me I had a narrow pelvis even before I started pushing. They knew that but they put me through 3 days of pain and wishful thinking just so they can do a c-section that I had asked for when they said my pelvis was narrow. So long story short I ended up having my c-section and delivered a handsome little boy named Devin Devon Pope Jr. It's not the suffering I went through that makes me say he's a miracle baby, its the fact that my baby was so stubborn and stayed in my womb long enough to be brung into this world the same day my late brother was. My brother Eric Kelly which many may know him by Officer Eric Kelly, one of the Fallen Heroes of Pittsburgh. He died on duty 4/4/09 along with 2other policemen for those who don't know the story. Well anyway my baby is born on his birthday and I just can't believe it. My brother was my everything and got taken away from me but now I feel like he is definitely walking this journey with me even though he's in heaven. Motherhood is a blessing alone but to have my baby on his birthday is a true miracle. I look at my baby and just start crying all the time because I know that he's watching over us. I miss him everyday and wish he was here to see him but now I know that he is with me and my son everywhere we go. I thank GOD so much because this baby has really filled that empty space that been in my heart since my brother passed. Now tell me is that a miracle or what?


  • What a blessing for u momma! U had to go through the days of trying to get him her like that so he could come on ur bro b-day:) that's awsome. He is defiantly letting u know know his presence n ur & ur sons lives. Congratulations on ur new baby too
  • Beautiful story.......everyone anticipating my baby to be born on my gma b'day, she was killed memorial day weekend, frm all the trees that were falling every where cas of the storms. So i definitely understand the feeling. Congratulations on your son! I know he will bring u joy all the days of your life. :^D
  • Congrats momma! Goes to show you no matter what baby is gunna be born when he was supose to! Things like that are just ment to be!
  • Congrats on ur lil bundle of joy... even tho u went thru a lot, it shows everything happens for a reason. Am sure ur bro wud b soo proud!!
  • Beautiful story, congratulations on your baby.
  • I'm sorry about your brother. But I def think your baby is a miracle baby that wasn't just a coincidence. Congrats! What a true blessing.
  • Aww I got teary eyed reading this! Congrats on your miracle baby :)
  • Aw, congrats! That is so cook about his birthday!
  • Awesome and your right that was your son and brother surprising and plotting all the way up to the end to tell u your brother will always always be with you!!! May your son always have his guardian angel with him :) congrats!!!
  • Congrats on your miracle baby!!!
  • Congrats mama, thats beautiful.
  • What a beautiful story, I'm sitting here crying now so thanks lol! Congrates on a beautiful baby and so glad he was delivered safely! You must have an angel watching over you :) baby Lilly got stuck due to the same issue on august 15, except the dr didn't realize it till she was to far down to do a c-section. Instead he pulled on her poor little head with forcips for 45 greuling minutes. She finally came but was in NICU for 9 days so they could monitor her bruising and be sure she didn't have a brain hemerage. Longest days of my life!! She's home and perfect now in every way (just ask her proud momma and I will tell you lol)! Sorry to ramble but I was so touched by your story, congrates again and you both have an angel in your brother for sure :)
  • Isn't that amazing how things come full circle like that? Congratulations on your lil one. :) are you from Pittsburgh?
  • awwhh beautiful story :) congrats on your little miracle!! but booo cuz your brother died on my 18th birthday!
  • Thanks @everyone sorry I can't mention everyone because I'm typing on my phone. But I'm glad I touched you guys. Just know whatever rough patch you may be going through there is a light at the end of the tunnel. For now on I just have to keep faith and keep believing because miracles do happen.
    @alilboulding yes Im from Pittsburgh.
    @momtob sorry to hear that. And my little man has to spend some time in the nicu because he has a fever. I been crying all day but I feel better just knowing that GOD got his hand over us. He'll pull through.
    @bwheeler128 sorry bout your loss. And thank you.
  • What A happy ending
  • Beautiful story, Congrats mama! :)
  • I'm also from Pittsburgh. Your brother was a hero. I'm sure he's with you and proud of you!!!!

    What hospital did you deliver at?
  • Very touching!!,congrats on your blessing!!
  • @alilboulding I delivered at West Penn. The Nurses here is wonderful. My little man had a fever for 2days and had to go to the nicu and they love him down there. But thank you, I strive to be more like him each day.
  • Heart touching story. Good luck and God bless
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