Operation 'Get Baby Out!'
This weekend I decided is the start of Operation Get Baby Out! I am 39 weeks tomorrow and on Monday will be talking about induction with my doctor but I really want to labor naturally. I have been trying home induction techniques for a few weeks but never been too serious about them. This weekend I am cracking down!! This whole week I've been feeling super tired, had loose bm, nausea (sp lol) and bh contractions. They keep getting me excited but never stay consistant!! Sooo... We shall see how this goes.
10am - Orgasm... Had a few contractions after but again nothing painful or consistant
10:30 - Birthing ball... Bounced for a half hour. Feeling some more pelvic pressure so hoping it helped to move the baby down a little
11am - Accupressure... Youtubed videos and tried some pressure points. Had a few more contractions
11:30 - Nipple stimulation... Did it for about 45mins then I got tired of it + I've heard for an hour 3xs a day so figured 45mins was close enough! Nothing
Just took a nap bc I am still super tired and have heard relaxing can help as well but now it's back to trying! Heading to Subway to get a buffalo chicken sandwich with extraaa oregano... I've heard both spicy food and oregano may help!! Will continue to update
10am - Orgasm... Had a few contractions after but again nothing painful or consistant
10:30 - Birthing ball... Bounced for a half hour. Feeling some more pelvic pressure so hoping it helped to move the baby down a little
11am - Accupressure... Youtubed videos and tried some pressure points. Had a few more contractions
11:30 - Nipple stimulation... Did it for about 45mins then I got tired of it + I've heard for an hour 3xs a day so figured 45mins was close enough! Nothing
Just took a nap bc I am still super tired and have heard relaxing can help as well but now it's back to trying! Heading to Subway to get a buffalo chicken sandwich with extraaa oregano... I've heard both spicy food and oregano may help!! Will continue to update
@cfa I was in bed still so figured that was a perfect way to start my morning/operation hehehe it gave me contractions too so I plan on trying that one again def!!
I got off here and did some belly dancing haha I went on 'On Demand' and did some of their moves in hopes that the moving of my hips opened them up a little! Plus they roll a lot so I substituted for pelvic tilts Then it was another orgasm, back on the ball for a half hour, followed by an hour of nipple stimulation and accupressure!! My contractions have gotten stronger but still nothing close to regular yet. Bf is still at work but sex as soon as he gets home!! EPO pills this evening as well. I planned on walking but bf said I shouldn't since I'm still on partial bed rest and was told not to go on long walks. Food shopping tomorrow though so I'll get my walking in then!
So far I am not in labor but my contractions have come a little more often and a little stronger so maybe day two will be better!!
@garagebandfan Still getting contractions! They seem to come in waves though. I'll get them for a little while and then they'll go away and then they'll come back a little later. This is the most and strongest I've had but stilllll nothing consistant Bf came home and we had sex. Now just EPO when I go to bed and then round two tomorrow!!
So today starts Day 2!! Had some contractions throughout the night and still getting them. Time to eat then starting all over again since something yesterday seemed to work Will keep updating!!
@texasmomma Thank you for sharing!! I'm sorry it didn't work for ya I'm scared to do castor oil too so I'm just going to continue with the things I've tried and hope one of these times the contractions stay!!