bumps..please help

edited September 2011 in Babies
My 1week old has little yellow bumps all over his hands and fingers. Wat cld this b???


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  • My baby has white head looking bumps oh her face dr said it was clogged oil glands idk if its the same though... they're on her scalp also.
  • Yellow bumps? Is your babys skin yellow or just the bumps?
  • My son had it on his nose. It was also oil glands...cleared up by about 3weeks
  • Babies get bumps on the face after birth. I never heard of the hands. Def get it checked out.
  • Some bumps are normal but i would check it out too just incase
  • just call his pediatritian to see what they think?? just to be safe .. but its probly just another newborn skin issue.. poor things
  • @minirip well his skin on his face is a bit yellow but his dr is alrdy aware of that. The yellow bumps just showed up. Its satrday so I can't get ahold of his ped dr, ther isn't a oncall nurse at his dr office :-S
  • Call the hospital and ask the nurses I would call and ask for the nusury tell them u were just there a few days ago
  • @momof22be I tried that. They said they cnt give me any information or advice ovr the fone :| I put the little hand things on him so just in case the bumps r contagious he won't spread them. They look like little pimples, all over his fingers :(
  • I never heard of that either. I think you should take him to the er too. Maybe it's a skin infection or allergic reaction...
  • Maybe it's jaundice (sp? )
  • Call my hospital their #is 801-807-7020 just ask for the nursury tell them u delivered there a couple weeks ago see what they say
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