in tears! :(

edited September 2011 in Pregnant
So my daughter is going to be five October 3 and all she wants for her birthday is a "big girl princess bed" so we have been trying to find one. Money is really tight and my mother offered to go 50/50 with us. Well now that I have found the perfect bed and talked to my mom about she has no decided not to do it!!

So my poor little girl wont get her bed because we can't afford it alone! :(

Im in tears right now (probably partly because of hormones)

Mom doesn't even care, she has done this crap to me my entire life, so I don't know why I should be surprised!


  • Do they have any type of financing or have you checked out craigslist or ebay? Maybe you can find a cheaper one there or maybe you can find an old one that you can refurbish? I'm sorry that your mom is that way and I hope everything works out
  • Maybe you could try a place that has layaway. My best friend has 4 kids & is on a strict budget she buys everything on layaway. School clothes, Christmas presents & Birthday presents. I don't know where you live or what stores you have I know for sure Kmart & Sears offer it. Just a thought I hope it works out for you!!! :)
  • Try a rent a center or a rental place even though more expensive in the end cheap now
  • I've been searching craigslist for the past few weeks and no one has responded to me! :(
    her birthday is in two short weeks so layaway is a no go..
    I will look into rent a centers, not sure if we will be able to afford another bill!

    I just don't get how someone would say that and then decided no..especially when its her only grand child!
  • Can you tell her Santa wants to bring her a princess bed.,This way you have a few months to save. Then ask her about some toys she would like for her birthday.
  • I'm sorry why would your mom get titer hopes up and your daughters thats just selfish. I hope something works out for you because I know how it feels wanting something for your daughter. I wanted my crib really bad and never even said anything and my mother in law came to us and asked if she can buy us a crib and so I got to buy the one I love. It felt amazing and I was so thankful I hope your mom comes around to help as well.
  • how much can you afford i ask cause there are other options.. other than used.. well actually a used fram would be perfectly fine..
  • @lae3 we were hoping to stay under $100... we found one that's perfect, frame for 100 mattress for 100 so if she would have done what she said it would have been perfect
  • Burlington, Kmart have layaway.. U cant find cute ones on amazon too
  • My neighbor just approached my husband saying he heard we needed a bed, his girlfriend is trying to get rid of a full..

    it will be a tight fit in her room, but might work!

    Plus it would be free!
  • Im not sure how big the big bed is your talking about but I was looking on walmarts site and they have this one

    It doesnt come with the matress but it takes a crib matress and the bed itself is only $60 and walmart also has some cheaper crib matresses.
  • She has a toddler bed, we are looking for a twin.. the neighbor has a full..but havent heard back if it is still available or not!
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