i feel way weird asking this..

edited September 2011 in Pregnant
Can I use my vibrator? I'm 2 weeks pp..


  • xD I have no idea, but I dont see why not! if it doesnt make you bleed or hurt ya!
  • Good question!
  • I wouldn't. My docs have always said nothing vaginally for 6weeks. Never had the kahoonas to ask if it was ok to use a vibe on just the bean. I was tempted this last time around, but then thot better not...didn't think it was a good idea to have an orgasm with a uterus that had been cut & sewn back together (orgasms make the uterus contract).
  • Yikes I wouldnt!!!! Definitely a question for your doctor. It really depends on your body and how delievery went and how your recovering!
  • Ya lol be gentle amd use a lll lube
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