Quick question Ladies. . .

edited September 2011 in Babies
. . .When is it safe to let your baby sleep on his or her tummy :^/ ?

My Baby Girl's 1month1week, BTW.


  • You aren't supposed to put them to sleep on their tummy ever, obviously when they get older, they can roll themselves and get in that position but you should always place her on her back
  • If I'm awake ill let her take a nap on her tummy but at night I don't since I can't watch her while I'm asleep. Maybe ask her doctor at her 2 month appointment
  • &nd I do place her on her back ALL the time; I follow her Pediatrician's rules. But just yest. I seen a friend put her 2month old to sleep on his tummy & told me her Doc. said it was safe, & I thought that was weird. So, I decided to get more opinions from ladies on here is all Momma.
  • All doctors are different though so yours may say they don't recommend it even if hers does. In the end you have to do what YOU feel is best for your baby. If you feel she is ready for something then that's all that matters. You know her best.
  • Agreed, you're right; Thanx! @navybabyonway
  • I think it's probably safest when they are able to fully lift their own head and be able to flip it back and forth, just my opinion of course. My daughter sleeps on mine or my husbands chest on her tummy, she sleeps really good like that
  • My son has been a tummy sleeper since 3 weeks. He refused to sleep on his back or side. After a week of trying and him fussing over it I tried a few naps on his tummy and he loved it. He is able to lift his head and turn in his own tho. My Dr said it was ok cuz I was losing sleep over trying to force him to lay on his back. It's a personal decision tho but I'd wait til she can at least lift and move her head side to side. And remember keep her on a firmer bed, no pillows and no think fuzzy blankets. Hope this helps hun. Some babies r just tummy sleepers.
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