thumb sucker
do any of your little ones suck their thumb? My 3 month old starrted to about a month ago. She uses it to fall asleep mostly or in her car seat. She can't hold a nuke in her mouth unless youn hold it until she falls asleep. I don't want her to suck her thumb when she starts talking so I think ill switch to a nuke in a little but when she can hold it herself. If that doesn't work it will be putting stuff on her thumb to make her not want to
What did you do about your thumb sucker? Any advice or stories
What did you do about your thumb sucker? Any advice or stories
@clope18 ha one of my friends said her baby came out sucking her thumb. I think switching from fingers to a paci asap is better then waiting because you can take away a paci and not fingers..
@mommykay you are lucky! I needed braces
@luvn_my_babies yea using the mittens is another good idea. But I could see emily just sucking on the mitten ha