thumb sucker

edited September 2011 in Babies
do any of your little ones suck their thumb? My 3 month old starrted to about a month ago. She uses it to fall asleep mostly or in her car seat. She can't hold a nuke in her mouth unless youn hold it until she falls asleep. I don't want her to suck her thumb when she starts talking so I think ill switch to a nuke in a little but when she can hold it herself. If that doesn't work it will be putting stuff on her thumb to make her not want to
What did you do about your thumb sucker? Any advice or stories


  • DON'T LET HER!!!! I was a thumb sucking baby and now I have deformed thumbs. They look like stumps. I know ur baby girl is too young, but my parents put hot sauce on mine when I was 5-6..... I stopped.
  • @jess8d I was a thumb sucker too til I was like 7 and had to get braces. :/ I don't want emily to go through that. I think I'm going to try harder with the nuke
  • I'm not sure. I need advice ob this too. My 3 month old sucks on her fingers almost non stop, and will only sometimes take a soother. Very frustrating!!
  • My little guy turned two months on the 21st and all the sudden wants to stick his fist in his mouth instead of sucking on binky have tried my hardest to stop him but I have not been successful.
  • @natashalynn I haven't tried a nuke in a couple weeks so I hope she still will..
  • @stella that's why I want to try using the paci again. Ah its stressful and hard ha
  • @minirip I hope you have success I wonder if the age has something to do with it you said that you little one starting doing it around 2 months also hopefully after they can get it in their mouths. Themselves they prefer the binkie rather their a nuke like a binkie
  • My 10 day old little boy has been trying since the day he was born :(
  • @stella I think age has something to do with it. They figure out they have hands/fingers and then even better they can stick their fingers in their mouth! I think a binkie/nook(nuke? Sp?)/pacifier are the same.. just have different names? Ha I really don't know..

    @clope18 ha one of my friends said her baby came out sucking her thumb. I think switching from fingers to a paci asap is better then waiting because you can take away a paci and not fingers..
  • My three year old stopped taking a nuk at 4 months and went right to sucking her thumb and now we can't get her to stop!! My advice as would be to push the nuk as much as you can cuz it's much easier to get rid of when they get older!
  • @bertrang14 have you ever tried putting stuff on her thumb to make her not want to suck it?
  • Yup! We bought this nail Polish stuff that's supposed to help people that bite their nails and then she just sucked her other thumb until it wore off! And now if you put it on it doesn't even phase her! My husband put it on one of his nails and it's the worst tasting stuff ever!
  • @bertrang14 I don't know your views on stuff like this but would you ever put something gross but non harmful on her thumb? Like mint extract I think it is.. or band aids? I'm sure she could take that off though ha. Or like a previous comment they put hot sauce on her thumb, but for a 3 year old that's a little much but something along those lines.. if you ever figure anything let me know though please!
  • Try lemon or lime juice out of the baking isle. That stuff is sour! And my son will only take avent binkis. 0-6 M size. He stopped chewing his hands quick on those. He will still suck his fist to let me know he's hungry but that's it.
  • I sucked my thumb until i was atleast ten. I'm lucky my thumb's are fine and i am the only person in my family that has not needed brace's.
  • @Aydonsmommy is there a difference in the brands of pacis?

    @mommykay you are lucky! I needed braces :/
  • The shape is the big thing and some have groove things to give them a diffrent texture. The avents I get are kinda ling with a flat ball shape at the end.
  • My two month old has just started trying to suck her thumb so I've been keeping little mittens or socks on her hands.I think I'm going to have to try a different paci b/c she keeps acting like she is gagging if I put it in her mouth
  • Try different pacis I like the latex ones bc silicone ones seem to hard. My daughter will try to suck her thumb even with the paci in her mouth! Lol but she loooves her paci. Right now I'm using mam pacis the silicone ones bc all the latex ones I've seen are for 6months and up. She likes the mam ones
  • take a look at that ladies! my little one sucks on her hand. and is she doesnt break out of that habit we will be getting that
  • @Proudmommy8789 its kinda exspensive but way cheaper then braces! Wonder if it really works.. or if it would work with younger kids so they can't take it off.

    @luvn_my_babies yea using the mittens is another good idea. But I could see emily just sucking on the mitten ha

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