pumping questions..

edited September 2011 in Breastfeeding
Is it normal to get more from one breast than the other? How long should I pump for? What does a blocked milk duct feel like?


  • Very normal to get more from a side. My left produces nearly double. How long? I typically pump until the milk stops flowing for a minute or so. A plugged/blocked duct hurts. It is typically warm to the touch, very tender & can be red. Massage it while you pump or in a warm shower.

  • If you exclusively pump...how long will it take my body to stop producing milk? I am having some latching issues and am considering just pumping and bottle feeding...but I dont know how lobg that will last.
  • @ashley_smashley try using a nipple sheild. I had latching issues in the hospital, but I use I nipple sheild. I still work with her to get her on my bare nipple, but the sheild really helps. Exclusively pumping works well for some moms, but you have to stay on a schedule so your body still makes enough milk.
  • @mamaof4 thanks! It hurts when I pump, but not when I nurse. The pain is way back in my breast, too. No redness or lumps, tho. Idk what it is.
  • Thanks for the suggestion. I will pick one of those up the next time I go out!
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