help baby is spitting up

edited September 2011 in Babies
Ayva has been spitting up lately. Idk if its from gas or something else. But I woke up this morning and she had a big puddle. Then on the changing table and just now I came in here to another puddle and again on the changing table. I'm afraid she's not getting enough to eat now today. Hlp :(


  • When babies have reflux they tend to spit up more. As long as she is still peeing and not fussy like she wants to eat more she will be ok
  • Keep her propped up instead of laying flat especially after she eats..if gets worse she may need meds for reflux. Good luck! Oh and try burping more frequently..
  • She is still wetting but fussy for more food. I'm just afraid to let her eat more and throwing it up :( what r the signs of reflux besides spitting up? @snowwhitej
  • I agree. .Launa seems to be spitting up way more then I remember my boys ever doing. Bit as long as she's peeing and doesn't act like she's starving, I'd say she's OK. Does she get all her burps out? I know Launa seems to be a very gassy baby. She burps great after every feeding but then after she lays down for an hour or so she needs to burp again.
  • @Mnbaby3 she won't sleep on an incline :( and I try to burp halfway between feeding and after. R there any tricks to get burps out? I do lean her back and forward and that seems to work good
  • @blessedbe_x3 ayva is a very gassy baby too. And she gets some good burps out. She has troubles passing gas from her behind and pooping though :(
  • With reflux they can hiccup or it can burn and for some babies its worse some babies just spit up and others will kind of cringe from the burn. Ask your doctor what meds you can give for it. If she is still hungry continue to feed even if she spits up
  • @snowwhitej she does hiccup but nothing abnormal and she's not a fussy baby when she spits up, it just kinda comes up
  • @jazzi89 have you tried the carseat or swing? That's what the doc told me to do with my son. He sleeps much better and between that and the meds he hasn't projectile spit up since. My son is super hard to burp and I just try different positions sometimes one works and the next time it doesn't. Over shoulder , laying on tummy across my knees, laying on my arm, sitting up on my lap...i also kinda rub from base of spine up to upper back then pat..then rub or kinda pull my hand up with gentle pressure from lower back to upper. Rocking works sometimes too for my son. hope this helps a little :-)
  • I like sitti.g her on my leg amd putting my hand under her chin. This is going to sound bad but like your going to choke someone but go up with your hand and purp her that way. It works for us when I dont get a burp. But she usally burps on her own. Have you tried the gas drops
  • @Mnbaby3 she hates her swings and shell sleep in her carseat but only for about an hr
  • @jazzi89 my son isn't fussy with his reflux..other then when he was laying flat the reflux caused his nasal passages to swell and he was super stuffy and couldn't breathe..that made him mad but other then that he isn't crabby. He also sneezes alot. Spit up, coming out the nose or projectile are also signs.
  • And hers isn't projectile...its like she just had a mouthful and let it flow out.

    @Proudmommy8789 that's how I burp too. I have gripe water but haven't used it. I'm not a fan of meds and she works them out most of the time whn she's on her belly. And she's not very fussy at all. She rarely screams
  • Hmm well she's a little congested, but not sneezy and its never come out of her nose. I have an appt tomorrow ill have dr check. Lol she's on tummy time right now and farted so loud!
  • My son used to spit up a lot. My Dr had me feed him with him sitting up as straight as possible and burp every ounce. If your feeding soy works too.;) good luck. When I went with the soy it helped pretty quick. If your primarily breastfeeding, it could be something in your diet that might be causing it too?
  • @nmartinez79 I'm am breastfeeding. I can't think of what id be eating differently...ill have to try and keep track of my diet and her spit ups
  • Or just try to sit her up as much as possible and burp her more:) I was primarily breast feeding my son too when he was spitting up. Sucked cuz I had to do my night time feedings sitting up too:)
  • Or just try to sit her up as much as possible and burp her more:) I was primarily breast feeding my son too when he was spitting up. Sucked cuz I had to do my night time feedings sitting up too:)
  • ya it does stink! i was doing them laying down and letting her sleep with me for one feeding but now i gotta go all the way to the nursery and sit half asleep :( today her spit ups were really bad, usually she only spits up once or twice at most
  • mine does..took her in yesterday n they said it is reflux but its considered normal...n he just said to not lay her flat etc! is hers just milky?? my daughters has been like clear today??.she sumtimes chokes on it : / scary!!
  • @naliibby2 thats what im afraid of. my daughter hates being inclined, she only sleeps on her side or back...and yes hers is clearish white. she hasnt choked on it yet, she just lets it fall out of her mouth...
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