getting sick:(

edited September 2011 in Pregnant
Went to doc yesterday. Lost. 4llbs and mucous plug which makes her think baby is on his way anytime! Had contractions that woke me up last night but nothing consistant. NOW im getting a cold....sore throat, runnning/plugged nose and mucousy crap in throat....does anyone know what I can take for this? I don't really wna take meds so if anyonne knows anyy home remedies ill try that first....then resort to meds. HELP!!


  • Just take some robitussion or drink warm lemon water with honey. You can also safely take the halls breezers since they have a.natural ingredient called 'pectin'
  • Yea lots of warm tea, keep your neck wrapped and warm... I felt like that last week now I just have a bit of stuffy nose... But I did take tylenol cold night... And I slept a lot...
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