Those tha had your membranes stripped...

edited September 2011 in Third Trimester
I had my membranes stripped today and she told me spotting is good but 'period like' is not... So please tell me what period like means... I wiped about 45 min after and it was a blob, thick and had clear streaks in it but all my other wipes are just a little bit of red streaking... Only that one thick time... am I good?


  • As long as your not soaking a pad
  • Sounds like your mucus plug. I wouldn't worry, labor could be in your near future ;-)
  • No, no pad soaking but is it gonna spot all night or just a few times?
  • @lilbit01_209 it does sound like your mucus plug! Did it hurt when she stripped your membrane I want to ask my Dr. to do it when I go tomorrow for my appointment
  • @kingsmom It hurt like a b!t¢h!!! Lol... She tells me... 'ball up your fists and shove them under your back cause this is going to hurt.' She didnt sugar coat it... but it was quick and I think it did something. I am really sore right now though but she said that was normal too.
  • Omg I'm scared. I'm 39.4 weeks and my last 2 appointment I didn't dialate or anything I was just 50% soft. So hopefully after all this walking and bouncing on this yoga ball she dropped enough. I wonder if she"ll do it. Did you ask her to strip them? @lilbit01_209
  • It didn't hurt for me I haD it done Monday morning n spotted all day but it stopped tha next...don't seem like its wrkn for me :(
  • @kingsmom No she asked me if I wanted it done... It might have hurt me more since I have a high cervix... not location but actual positioning. (Its not straight back like most womens but more up above my clitoris area.) The stripping is not that bad so dont be scared of it .. :-D
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