7:15 they waited for babies heart beat to be consistent for at least 20 min. to start pitocin. She started me at two drips. She said it shouldnt take much because I was already having steady contractions on my own! Will update later!
@PregnantElf ...I'm right behind you. I'm 40 and 2 days. I'm 3 cm, and completely thinned out. I'm just waiting for the contractions to kick in or water to break. Best of luck to you mama. Can't wait to see pics.
Well ladies 7:00 check I was 6cm, 9:00 check I was 7 cm., 11:00 I was 8 cm. then I stalled at 8 till 1:00! Baby's head was too big to fit through so his head was coneing and not going past the widest part. So my worst night mare! I had to get a C-section! But baby was born healthy 8 lbs 3 oz 21.5 inches long. Pics to come when I figure out how lol!
@1stwoodsbaby thanks its alot better