really need some help.

edited September 2011 in Babies
My daughter is going to be 3 months next week and I have a question. She still has like pieces of the umbilical cord inside her belly button. It like makes it look dirty. Her umbilical cord fell off on its own when she was a week or two, but it didn't fall off completely and she has some inside still. I asked her doctor and all she said was to apply alcohol after baths, well that was a month ago and its still there. She doesn't go in till late October. And it seems like their line is always busy. Ughh. Is this normal? Is it bad? It doesn't smell or have discharge it just bugs me it didn't completely fall off and pieces are still do I get it to fall?


  • Idk but I knew a girl when I was in high school who still had pieces of hers in her belly button
  • Can you get it out using Vaseline and a q tip? That's how I got my daughters out after she lost it
  • Maybe soak her in the bath 4Longer n air it for longer after that
  • @Akmommy I'm going to try that. I hope it dries up and falls out. It looks weird.

    @Cheekyerin thanks I hope it falls out.
  • My sons did that dr. said could use little alcohol
  • Omg!!!! Never heard that !!! Try to keep it really dry and check exactly what its it !
  • Hmmm.. I dont know, my son has an 'outie' lol but atleast this will bump for you :-)
  • I'm sure visually its bothering you but if its not physically bothering your baby maybe you should just wait until the appt. What if you manage to get some off and it creates a blood leak that leads to infection. Let sleeping dogs lay.
  • @augustbaby I also been using alcohol and it looks the same.

    @tinka1326 thanks. Yeah she has an innie.

    @Ynvtish you're right I'm just going to keep applying alcohol like she told me.
  • @mommy2b06 I only know because I bothered sleeping dogs while they were.laying and learned the hard way.

    My daughter has a umbilico hernia and I did.EVERYTHING my Dr said not to do. She said don't push on it, don't try and extreme clean it and don't pull the clothes.tightly over it. I did all that and more. It was the size of a golf ball.
  • my bby is 3weeks n stil has brown in it.. wen I bath her I just rub it out with a wash cloth. do that it shud come out
  • @ynvtish omg! I hope she's okay and that its healed. I understand you though, you always want to do above and beyond for your child. Thanks for the advice. I actually left it alone and it seems to be clearing up. :) yayyy!
  • My doc took an alcohol swab and cleaned it she said I didn't have to do it again but it got the left over pieces out
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