Flu shot?

edited September 2011 in Pregnant
Can I get one?? Or do I need to wait until after I have my baby?


  • i think its ok.. i have my37wk apt.. mon so im going to ask my dr.. to see if i can get it..
  • @lae3 I totally spaced asking at my last appointment :( stupid preggo brain
    @amab13 hahaha well at least they let you know!
  • They made me get one yesterday. Im 33 weeks. They said ya because its that time of year and when u get the shot it vaccines ur baby too. Which is good cause u can't give babies anything until they are 6 months old :) so go ahead and do it!
  • @novmthumper11 really? It works on the baby too? That's crazy! I'll be going to get one this weekend :) I wish I could get bd to get one.. he refuses to!
  • Get it now! It protects ur baby for 6 months after they r born, which is ironically when they can get one. I woulda got mine before my son was born but nobody had them yet. But its nice u can protect ur Lo for winter :)
  • Ur bd needs one too if he's gonna hold the baby. My sons pediatrician forced me, hubby, my mom and dad all to get one since we all have lots if close contact with him. Don't let bd get ur newborn ill cuz they can die from it :(
  • @kingsmama that is nice! Now if only I could get bd to get one.. he's refusing to!
  • Yes really! Lol I was surprised too:)
  • @kingsmama I'm going to try and get my doctor to convince him, he has this thing where he won't get shots.. he's crazy and thinks the government is trying to experiment on people.. it's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard
  • Oh and if u have insurance u can get em done at like cvs and walgreens and send in ur bill and they mail u the amount u paid for the shot which is nice. They want everyone to get one. I hate flu shots cuz I normally get the flu lol but this yr I didn't, and I got mine 3 days ago.
  • My obgyn convinced me into getting it, I was hesitant at first but I had no reaction to it at all. Glad I got it! :)
  • Haha I worked in hospitals and pc Dr offices and its just a flu shot so we don't have millions of ppl die for something we can prevent. I understand where he thinks its a conspiring act by the government tho lol.
  • @kingsmama he doesn't think he'll get the baby sick or anything, and he doesn't have insurance.. do you know how much it costs without it?
  • Yes you should get a flu shot if your pregnant I got mine today and I will be delivering in a week and the baby wont be getting any of it because it takes two weeks :( But she will get stuff from breastfeeding. But yes i reccomend it if you still have more than two weeks..
  • edited September 2011
    @army_wife09 I'll be 34 weeks tomorrow so I have time :) gonna try and get it done this weekend! I didn't know it could work from breastfeeding!
  • My hubby got his at cvs for $30. I'd push it on him cuz he might get baby sick and their immune systems r super weak.
  • @kingsmama that's what I tell be but he thinks baby will be fine, he says he's never had a flu shot and he doesn't want to start now, he thinks as long as he's not sick baby won't get sick..
  • Germs can stick to an adult and they won't get sick but a baby is weaker. At the least make him wash his hands a million times a day!
  • @kingsmama I tell him that and he doesn't get it! -_- I'm going to make him bathe in hand sanitizer..
  • I had to get the stupid shot on Tuesday. I hate those things. The injection site always burns and is sore for two weeks. But, I love my baby so I'll put up with it.

    Blah shots.
  • @potato I love your name.. it makes me laugh :) ha I've never had that problem with shots :( sounds awful
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