Nesting, who else is with me???

edited September 2011 in Pregnant
I'm 35+4 and started nesting yesterday. I did tons of deep cleaning and preparing for the baby. I only have a few things left on my list, but I should have them done by the end of the weekend :) My body hurts, but my mind says "keep going!" Haha! Major burst of energy has hit!


  • Haven't felt the need to nest yet Nd I'm 38 weeks! Damn :-(
  • i have random needs to nest... fortunately for my sil they hit while i'm at her place babysitting so i end up cleaning her place... yesterday i got on my hands n knees with a scrub brush and scrubbed all the spots out of her carpet... >.< lol
  • Every time I start nesting it only lasts a day and then it doesn't come back for weeks.. haha I have so much I still need to get done
  • I think I finished everything I need before the baby comes. Now I'm going out of my mind TRYING to think of ANYTHING else I may need to do or get. I think at this point I'm just tired of waiting for baby. Ugh...
  • I hope mine kicks back in I'm having my lil man in 4 days. Before I found out I was needing a c section so soon I was cleaning behind the stove and fridge, now I have done part of the dishes and I don't even want to finish that
  • I started to last week but for some resson I cant get motivated to do anything I told my hubby that I will try to have the kitchon cleaned by the time he gets home tonight
  • Its hard to tell if I'm nesting or not. I'm pretty OCD about keeping my house clean already esp for my other two boys. Even before I got pregnant I would have outbursts to do some extreme cleaning about once a week. Lol
  • I'm 36+3 and I have cleaned out every closet, drawer, cupboard and room in this house including the garage, attic and basement! I have nothing left to organize!!!! I'm glad I got it all finished though, can't imagine trying to do it with two children! :)
  • @mom924 my two are young enough to still like helping. Lol it makes them feel like ” good big brothers” so I give them tasks that will keep them occupied for a while so I can get what I need done
  • My three year would love to help but all I have left to do is file important papers! She is so excited about her brother coming I'm sure she will be a big help.:)
  • I would love to have the energy to nest but thank god my hubbys there to help bit nothing ever seem to b done the way i want lol
  • I wish I was nesting. I have finally managed to get all my baby stuff done, but the rest of my house could use some help and all I want to do is sleep!
  • I cleaned all my windows,sorted nearly all my draws and cupboards too.Just few more to do and im done lol cant wait to meet my lil guy!
  • I've been awaiting the nesting fairy! Please send her to me!! I have sooo much stuff to do and Im too exhausted and sore to do anything,
  • I have def had a few instances of nesting but now I'm so sick. I feel deathly ill and have gotten worse but stupid midwives never take me seriously. Anyways last night I woke up in the middle of the night wanting to clean but I knew I would regret it later seeing as I can hardly even breathe :(
  • Ohh I am def with you my husban had about enough because he said I'm a clean organized freak I'm just scared that nothing will be ready a.d instead of coming home and relaxing after baby I'm going to be cleaning or irratated .....
  • I'm 34 weeks and just started nesting like crazy. I even repainted all my kitchen cabinets today. The baby room is as ready as it can be, but I feel like the rest of my house is not
  • @sands3 I'm 34 weeks also and was telling my hubby last night I need to repaint the cabinets in the kitchen lol
  • @Nathan_n_EthansMom that's funny! I talked to a painter and he was going to charge me $175, mind you they were painted 3 yrs ago and just needed a fresh coat to clean them up. My friend came over this morning and we did it in 3 hours.
  • Mine were actually done in May when we moved in but I just now noticed that they have spots where they need to touched up.
  • Do it now while your thinking about it. You won't want to after the baby comes.
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