I'm leaving mine in as long as possible...getting the flexible ones when I start to show. I've left mine out for 3 months before and put it back in with no problems.
I kept my top and bottom belly button rings in for my last two pregnancy. They were fine never had a issue. Before I hot pregnant this time I decided to take my top one out my husband never carried for it. I plan on leaving the bottom one in the whole time
I kept mine in until I was showing. It got tight even with a flexible one. I was going to put it back in but it wouldn't so I just left it. haven't had it done again. I think it depends how big you get.
I have kept mine in for all pregnancies up until 7 months and it went right back in after delivery without an issue. But it did cause like devil horn stretch marks where the top hole was.
I took mine out when I was 8w!!!! My friend waited to take hers out then it didn't have enough time to heal and now she has a dangly skin on her belly button!! No thank you, my advice to all is TAKE IT OUT NOW! [-O<
I plan on taking mine out when I start to show because I hate the way it looks under a snug fitting shirt when ur pregnant lol...my Dr said it doesn't really matter when I take it out..
Originally, I didn't plan on putting it back in, but my husband mentioned it and I really like it, so now I'm considering it.