Hospital bag Help! Those who had their baby's already

edited September 2011 in Pregnant
I know this has been posted already but what things should go in the bag that are most important. Im still stuck on what to put besides baby's outfit. :/


  • bring loose fitting clothes
    i bought my pjs
    didnt want nothing fancy its hard to try and fit into some jeans when
    your still healing down there :p
  • So far I have, a book, charger, I'm having a c section so I packed a skirt, night gown, underwear that I don't care for. then hair brush shampoo and shuch. Oh and nipple pads. but don't know if there is anything else needed
  • I'm going to find a super old post about pack for the hospital. I'll bump it :)
  • Take PLENTY of maternity pads! Pj's/nightdress(pack a few pairs), dressing gown, slippers, something to go home in, bras and nicks, socks, breast pads, bobble and headband, brush, toiletries, bath towel and hand towel, book or magazine, snacks, camera, charger. I think that pretty much covers you :-)
  • Snacks. Toilettes. Any items to ocuppy yourself. Book. Laptop. Cellphone etc
  • Outfits/ pjs for baby, hat, socks/booties, mittens,
    For you lots of over night pads, pjs, outfit, socks/slippers, hair brush, toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, makeup, something to snack on. Phone and charger, camera and charger.
  • @Everyone Thank you mamas! I need to start packing today, its about that time
  • I didnt pack my bag properly untill the day I went in to be induced :-)
  • I took lots of underware, loose pjs and baggy shirts, a maternity bra with breast pads and lanslio lanolin nipple cream, socks, hair brush, tooth brush/paste, charger for my phone.if you don't like thick pads, bring your own!! For my kids some onsies, cute coming home outfits, socks, hats, blankets. The hospital should provide you with diapers and wipes and pars for you but they are big and thick and I didn't care for them. I had csections, one of which was totally unplanned so I had to have my husband pack my bag the second time lol
  • Im 38+5 lost my mucous plug today andI still havent packed a bag. I think I will do it before bed. Lol
  • I took a ton of stuff, I actually used: my undies, comphy go home clothes, 2 baby outfits, swaddle blanket, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, toothe brush, toothe paste, hair tie, and chap stick. Don't forget the car seat!
  • I would bring My own towel.. the hospital towels are super small..
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