stop swearing!

edited September 2011 in Parenting
Omg I need to stop swearing! I accidentally told my 5 year old stepdaughter to f off! Me and my boyfriend say it to each other when we are joking around but I accidentally said it to her I instantly apologized but my bf was so mad like I had said it on purpose or something! So I'm now going to try to stop :/ and before everyone says you shouldn't swear in front of kids 1. I know 2. Her mom, dad, Grandparents, aunts n uncles have swore around her her whole life n she knows bad words she isn't supposed to say 3. It was an accident...sorry just trying to stop drama before it starts


  • Oh gosh I'm so worried me and bd won't be able to stop cursing we do it alot but I'm usually good if there are kids around but he doesn't even seem to care. I don't want my little boy growing up with a potty mouth like me and his daddy
  • My mom cussed like a sailor when i was growing up. But i knew it was naughty. Lol. I didn't have much of a problem but i remember going to school and saying dirty words with my friends!
  • @junebuggbabie85 I know I usually watch it when children are around, but my boyfriend said something and she was like yeah blah blah and I just said oh f off I didn't even realize I said it until my bf freaked out n I was like oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to say that but of course he kept it going all night about how horrible a person I was
  • Ah it happens. My 5 year old has thrown them out once in a while. Just try your best and know that it is normal.
  • It was a mistake he will get over it and as long as you make it a point to show the five year old that it was a mistake and you regret it then all should be well
  • I'm trying to stop too but i'm having a very hard time lol
  • I'm not telling him I'm trying to quit I'm just going to do it
  • I cuss all the time, so does hubby's entire family. All of the kids who have been raised by this family know which words are the bad ones/grown up ones and which ones are the good ones!

    My daughter (will be 5 Monday) did say once while playing catch with her uncle and cousin "nice fucking catch man" I wasn't there and im glad for it because I know I would have laughed, which doesn't help!

    You will be okay though. At least you are making an effort!
  • I swear all the time I swear her first words are gunna be f*** lol my uncle said mine was f*** off that's not true but I need to stop lol its hard
  • I try REALLY hard not to curse around my kids. Sometimes my husb pisses me off & I slip lol. I don't want my kids having bad mouths. It's not cute or funny.
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  • Its totally normal and if they dont hear it at home they hear it in school or when in public places! I 'over heard' my 6 year old playing and having a pretend phone call with her friend and she said "oh shit I put the phone down on her" I told her off then went downstairs and laughed my head off. The thing thats funny is that they always seem to use it in the right context. When my little sister was 3 she fell an hurt herself then told my mum and dad shed gotten hurt and that she was walking like a nobhead. Kids are too funny :-)
  • Yeah, like lyndsay1983 is saying, just make sure that she knows it's not okay for her to say those things because they are adult words. Don't laugh in front of her and let her know she did something wrong if you ever hear her say anything.
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