full term!!!! so freakin excited!! whats your fears about labor?

edited September 2011 in October 2011
just wanted to say how happy i am to make it to full term .. now im just praying this lil guy makes an apearence some time in the next 3wks.. i would hate to have to be induced, cause your at a higher risk for more complications.. ive been induced twice at 10pd.. ugh.. and i dont wont to be induced on holloween.. ok if your near full term whats your fear.. mine is just medical intervention, and csection.. i have streatch marks i dont need a csec scar.. and i have a toddler at home to take care of so i dont want the healing time...


  • Im four days past due & at this point my fear is having to be induced or csection cause id like to deliver without an epi & both of those would ruin my plans.
  • Everything! And the thing is I'm not a first time mom! Lol I had the "bright" idea of watching birthing videos on YouTube and I'm trying for a vbac and I was oooohhh nooooo how does a baby fit outta that!? It was so amazing but frightening at the same time.. then, I said maybe I should just schedule a repeat c/s then I looked up c/s videos and got even more freaked out! Lol I can't believe I had to go through that! Lord, is there any other way!? Lol, but I'm still going for the vbac even though I'm scared out of my mind!
  • Tearing :( like horribly rearing that's my fear
  • If I go natural and they need to use forcepts or cut me for some reason, I couldn't imagine that without an epi :( also tearing and being stitched up! I'm not worrying about actual contractions and stuff, 7days left for me!
  • My fear is the pain also i know most likely im going to get an epidural because if i dont i wont enjoy the birth of my first baby:)
  • Yay, only 3 more weeks for us! My fears are having to get a c-section, tearing badly and pooping during labor! :(
  • Pooping on the table. Number 1 fear. aside from problems with.the baby's health
  • Mine is having a csection. And not having the birth plan I want, delayed cord clamping, ability to breast feed right away, etc.. oh and I am scared if it is a boy because I will have to finally decide if I am going to circumsize or not.
  • I fear this labor and deliver will be anything like my last! Over 24 hours in labor, over 2 hours of pushing (kid had a big head that didn't want to pass through), lost 2 ltrs of blood (that's half of what's in your body). Let's hope my ob's right and everything will be shorter and smoother ;-) ooh, I also hope this baby is smaller than the last. My son weighed 9lbs 9oz!!
  • I've been they labor twice..vaginally lol my fears is needing an emergency c section. I would hate having to recover and not being able to hold my baby immediately :( And those contractions..i hate um!
  • Everything about labor scares me...EVERYTHING! I felt all the pain the first time even with a epi. I hate watching shows with women who've had epi's & the RN/Dr has to tell the women its time to push since she cant feel it (contractions) Im just so jealous & worried Im going to go through that horrible pain all over again :( Then the fear of having to have a c-section. It seems like dr's are opting for them alot more than they used to. I just pray everything goes smoothly in terms of heart rate and dialation. I would love to "bounce back" once shes here. Its only going to be me in the daytime with no help and I have stairs so Im praying for a vaginal.
  • @mszcastillo me too girl.. i still have a few wks left but i want to go naturally so i can go without the epi too.. @mommy_2 good luck on your vbac! it really is nice to have a vaginal birth and the pain goes away immediatly.. the best thing about it is, you get to hold your baby right away!! @alilboulding lol! my son asked me if i ever pooed during labor and i was like.. i dont know.. i think someone would have told me.. @garagebandfan yeah thats scary.. i have my birth plan too.. and this is 3rd boy he wont be cerced.. i dont believe its neccesary.. but it is a personal chioce.. the fact that my hubbys not cercumsised help me decide though.. my oldest son is 10 and hes heard about it and hes thanked me for not doing it.. lol @brendalou ohh that is scary.. hope your experience is much smoother this time.. @myHEARTZx3 same as mine.. xing my fingers and praying for and uneventful delivery too.. @BabyBubba123111 ok me too.. mabey the epi will work this time.. i know my sisters first didnt and then the second delivery it did.. and the nurse had the neve to tell her she was being dramatic .. oh yeah i also have stair.. argh i forgot about that..
  • They are already telling me that my labor will be fast. Im already dilated 3 cm. And she is very low already. Im scared big Daddy wont make it if he's @ work :-(
  • I will be full term on Monday and my fears, like most first time mommas, is the pain. I am still undecided on an epidural, but I definitely want a vaginal birth. I am not nervous about having a c section if necessary, but we are moving out of state mid-November so I would rather not be useless during that time :). Other then that, the health of the baby and the first poop after delivery makes me a little scared! Good luck everyone!
  • EVERYTHING!!! The pain, having to have an emergency c-section, afraid of complications of an epidural, afraid I'll hemorrhage, afraid I'll rip and have to be stitched up, I'm pretty much scared of EVERYTHING. :-S
  • Going through it alone. My DH has put me through some unnecessary stress recently so I decided I don't want him there. Seeing his face disgusts me right now.
  • @5lilangels i take it this isnt your fist.. @BabyBubba123111 stairs.. lol.. sorry.. hahah typo :> @meliz1187 the first poo isnt that bad lol.. i always hate it though.. make sure you get enough fiber.. lol.. and the pain well its not called labor for nothing.. but its not unbearable.. were women and we got this..lol.. @shelshay stitches arent anything especially after youve delivered a baby.. everything else though.. scary i know me too @Carley [-( :-( im sorry girl that really sucks.. you dont have a family member or good friend you can have for support.. with my first i had my mom and lil sister.. bd was not present.. for reasons.. but it was great having my family to share in my moment of joy..
  • I'm almost full term...36 weeks :) and I'm afraid of pooping and throwing up during labor...I don't really want anyone to have to watch that :/ I'm not scared of the pain cause I already know its gonna hurt!! I just keep telling myself that thousands of women do this all the time...its what are bodies are made for. I already know I'm getting an epidural tho! O u know what! I'm super scared of the cathader (sp?) :( and I'm afraid of the whole after care of the stitches if I need then :(
  • @brttnywstn14 they dont put the catheder in till after you have your epidural and it doesnt hurt.. at least mine didnt .. after care sucks .. but it wasnt that bad..
  • Baby being too big to get out, his head is above the 97th percentile so am terrified of getting him out or not being a strong enough person to cope with the pain :(
  • @lae3 this is my 5 th
  • @three_cats_n_a_baby im interested in knowing my lil guys size but they wont do a growth scan untill and if i go over due. i dont get it.. everyone else seems to be getting one but me.. @5lilangels oh yeah your likely to go quick.. hopefully not too quick though :-ss
  • Lae3 No I don't have any here yet. My mom is flying in but it will probably be after.
  • @Carley oh wow im sorry.. mabey she can come early.. to be with you.. are you sure bd is a no go.. i think its good thearapy for men to see us have there babies.. my man was so impressed and change for the better by the experience.. but i dont know the cercumstances so i dont know .. good luck .. and look for someone to be with you.. even if its not a close friend but a friend.. i know alot of woman will volenteer to be there
  • I had all my worst fears come true dring my labor the only fear that didn't was something being wrong with the baby he came out healthy
  • I agree...popping on the table lol....embarrassing. also a csect n tearing again. That's pretty much it. I'm due Monday.
  • besides worrying about babys health...im scared my hubby will be to drunk to take me to the hospital and be involved, tearing as bad as I did with my first, and not having enough time for an epidural :-S
  • Hmmm... Emergency csection... epidural if I cant cope (went natural first time with a 17 hour labour)... Had a labial tear first time so im terrified I will tear worse this time cos its a different bd and his other kids were huge!!
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