help ive got piles

edited September 2011 in Pregnant
Just noticed it today havent been constipated been going to toilet fine. Any one else exoeriencing piles and any idea how to get rid? Everything i read is to ease the pain but its not painfull yet. Bit embaressed really dont fancy getting my bum out diwn doctors.


  • Its embarrassing but alot of us have hemmoroids.. Idk if you can get lidocain but my doc prescribed that and it helped better than the over counter prep h. Also don't strain..and try witch hazel to help sooth..they itch/ annoy like crazy
  • My hemmorhoids are torturing me right now. Take hot sitzbaths with witch hazel and epspom salt and everytime after I do I get diaharrea! The concoction. Apparently loosens the muscles.
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  • I keep reading about witch hazel do i just put a couple of drops in the bath?
  • Yes I pour some along with the Epsom salt 1/2 cup maybe
  • Is epsom salt a specialist thing as im from the uk can i buy it over the counter do u think?
  • @hyperf1 yes you can buy it over the counter atleast you can in the us. Its usually close to band aides and such
  • @TricesBaby yes and learned real quick not to fart when one of those things are in my butt.
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