How many moms have made it, and it brought on contractions? My husband made it for me, cause im on bedrest. And im really starting to think it may have brought on contrations. But, I feel crazy for believing it. Lol
@mommy2now3 I have no idea.. im it sure if that's why I was acing contractions or not, but I wasn't having them till I started eating it. Lol I feel so crazy saying that a cake gave me contractions.
Thats wierd.. i dont see how a cake can make you go into labor. I have heard of spicey foods doing the trick.. i heard there is a pizza too that can put you in labor..but i dont know anything about a cake...
@mommy2now3 This is what thee cake has in it: Phenylethylamine may have an effect on endorphin and oxytocin production. Oxytocin, if you didn’t know, is a hormone that is released during labor. Chocolate also contains caffeine and other stimulants, which might stimulate labor as well
@mommy2now3@pwchanceYour welcome!!! :-) it doesn't work for all women of course because every woman is diff.. but I've had A LOT of women tell me it did work.. if it didn't there wouldn't be a recipe for it :-D @pwchance I hope it works for you... I can only imagine thee anxiety
@mommy2now3 yes me and jensensmommy15 are due on the 15th. And as of right now, her and I aren't making any progress. And my induction date got taken from me. And hers may get taken from her. Lol we are willing to try just about anything right now!
This is for you! @jensensmommy15
I feel so crazy saying that a cake gave me contractions.