colstrum engorgment

edited October 2011 in Breastfeeding
I don't know what to do my little girl is only 2days old and she is the most Shit-tastic eater I've ever seen. My milk hasnt come in and im so engordged my breasts dont have any give. When she desides to eat shes ok at it. Its hard to keep her latched, she keeps spitting out the areola and just keeps the nipple so I'm continuously relatching her. Its hard to keep her awake to feed *tried skin to skin, her naked, rubbing, tickling. . .* and even when shes awake shes rarely interested in eating. Won't even suck on a knuckle. Between 10pm-8(?)am she ate roughly 6m out of hours of trying I tried to manually express but just ended up hurting myself, got two oc, not sure what I'm going to do with it since I don't have any bottles at the moment. I'm about to hit a hot shower and see what I can get rid of in there. This has me in tears I don't know what I'm going to do when my actual engorgement happens


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