Dizzy/room spinnin?

edited October 2011 in Third Trimester
This morning when my husbands alarm went off, I felt like the room was spinning. I just ignored it and went back to sleep. About an hour later my son woke up for the day. When I got up I was still very dizzy and light headed. It was so bad it was hard to walk straight, well walk at all was difficult. It isn't as bad right now, I'm laying with my feet propped up. I read that can help blood flow back to the brain.
I am not sure what caused it was thinking baby putting pressure on blood vessels. Or possibly dehydration.
Any ideas our suggestions?
By the way I am 34 weeks and 4 days.


  • Yeah, baby might be laying on blood vessels. This has happened to me too. I actually passed out with my last pregnancy. Try laying on your left side to get the blood flow back to normal. If that doesnt help and it keeps up, call your doc.
  • I had that same issue literally the same time 34+4, which was this past Friday. For me, I figured out the next day that I'm having sinus issues, lots of sinus pressure and clogged up, and it's affecting my equilibrium. That plus dehydration. It's definitely caused some dizzy spells this weekend. Maybe it's the same for you?
  • @sweet1 not having any sinus issues. Breathing ok, but thank you.
    @DreaMaria thank you I will try laying on my left side.
  • Don't lay on your back too long that can cause the placenta to stop pumping blood to the baby if the baby is heavy enough and cause you to feel light headed, turn to your left side or even your right and drink some water you should feel better soon.
  • Same thing happened to me while I was in the shower...I was short of breath also...I told my doc but he really didn't tell me anything.
  • At some point with all three of my pregnancies I suffered from vertigo, everytime I changed positions especially while laying down I would get dizzy. With my first pregnancy it was in my 3 rd trimester, my 2 nd was in my second trimester and my 3 rd was in my 1st trimester. I just had to get used to it, but I would check with ur doc to be on thr safe side
  • Its been about two hours since I got up, but three since my husbands alarm went off. I laid for about 45 minutes on my left then right side(makes my hips hurt to lay on one side too long). I am still feeling a little light headed. How long should I let it go on before calling my dr office? The room isn't spinning like it was when I got up, but I am still dizzy.
  • I've been having this too they dont know what it is I've done the glucose test 24 hr urine for pe and nothing all I can say is drink plenty of fluid rest and plenty of protine....call ur doc anyway everyone's different hope this kinda helps
  • I'm 33+1 by the way lol I forgot to put it
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