How many of you...

Had sex before your doctor told you to? My doc told me no sex before six weeks, but I did it at 4wks . If you did were you ok at your 6wk check-up? What did your doctor have to say about it as well?


  • I had sex 2 weeks pp ( as soon as I stopped bleeding). I was perfectly ok at the 6 week check up. The doc didn't say nothing other than I had to do a pee test before they would put me on birth control
  • i did at three weeks after my first...and i started bleeding red. i was embarrassed so i didn't even tell my doc :( stupid i know i should have lol. second time around i waited the 6 weeks
  • I waited 2 weeks. Mostly they tell you to wait because the introduction of germs and bacteria from your partner can cause infection while your still healing. We used a condom and did it right after a shower so we were squeaky clean and had no issues
  • My first I did it 11 days pp. This one we waited over 6 weeks due to stitches wouldn't dissolve and I tore in a very bad place. but my Dr said I could if I didn't have them at 3 weeks pp
  • edited October 2011
    Thanks ladies! @myheartzx3 the second time we did I bled a lil bit of red too.
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