Help please....spotting lightly and scared

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
Yesterday I had my ultrasound and they said based upon it I am seven weeks and five days. They did a pap and he said I bled a little but it was okay. I didn't notice any spotting when I left the dr. now a day later everything was fine and tonight I wiped and there was some pinkish spotting when I went to the bathroom and so I layed down and waited two hrs to go again and there was very faintish brown when I wiped. I'm not cramping but scared.what does this mean? Am I going to miscarry? The heartbeat wa so strong yesterday. It was 171 bpm. Please help.


  • Iam doing the same thing im still spottong mine looks like old bloodthey told me as long as I was not cramping or hurting to stay calm. Very hard to do. They said to rest and stay off my feet.
  • That's what they told me. They told me to stay off of work today and they would give me a note. They said they would check me out if I want and I do so I'm going in this afternoon. I think its all okay just want to be positive. Im barely spotting and when I do its light brown specks but I still want to be sure.
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