I was trying to plug in my phone, and the charger part broke open and I accidentally touched the circuit board and it shocked me....baby has moved a little, not a lot. Anyone know anything?
Try eating something and monitor the babys movement.. if the baby doest respond like you want then I would say go get checked. I know id rather be sitting in the hospital for nothing and know everything is ok than be freaking oout
Ok I'm calmer now..., I just worry about EVERYTHING u know?? I guess for the rest of.my life i will..I just already love her so much! And I'm so close to holding her in my arms!!
Aww so happy for you!! When I had my little one I cried for hours. I was scared amd soo happy. I was scared cause she had the cord wraped 3 times and once around her body
I hate calling the nurse line. All they ever say is "well you can come in if you want"... ugh. That's not why I called, I know I can come in.. I want your advice. Glad you and baby are okay though!
Glad you and baby are okay though!