advice on sleepovers

edited October 2011 in Ages & Stages
How old was your child when you let them sleepover at someone's house. My daughter is almost 4 months old and my mil has mentioned to her son a few times that she would like her to stay the night. I wasn't thinking of doing sleepovers until like...a year. Maybe 10-11 months earliest. I have no doubt my mil would take good care of her, but McKinley doesn't like taking bottles and I'm still breastfeeding and worried missing a night will affect my supply.
Any advice, or stories? Thanks in advance everyone.


  • I wouldn't yet...just my opinion...I wouldn't until you stop breastfeeding.
  • Thanks @dreamaria that's kinda what I'm feeling too
  • I wouldnt let my baby sleepover at anyones house for probably the first year as well... Not unless I was there lol but I'm just paranoid thats all. I'm a FTM so I dont really have great advice, but I would say if your still breastfeeding then I'd hold off a little longer since he doesnt like taking bottles. You can always pump to help maintain your supply though! Good luck :)
  • Whatever you decide just stick to it. Make it your rule for this baby and any future ones.
  • edited October 2011
    Thanks @usawife_21 It's hard for me to tell if I'm just being paranoid or if its legit concerns. I'm a ftm too so I'm kinda struggling with this.
  • @dreamaria good advice. Gotta be consistent. I mean, I'd love a night of sleep, and maybe a drink or too, but I don't think its worth it yet!
  • She may not like taking the bottle from u because she is used to u breast feeding. My daughter will not take a bottle from me but will more than happily from her daddy!
  • Ya it used to be like that @pretty_princess01 now she won't take it from anyone. Very annoying lol
  • With my son it was at around three months however he nursed and drunk my milk from a bottle. I went to nurse him to bed but he was literally 10mins away lol. At my husbands aunts. It wasnt easy but I was ok after a few hours...
  • its all up to personal preference and if you trust the person.. i also bf my sons so they didnt really do sleepovers till they were around 10-11 months and even then it wasnt like an all day then all night.. lol.. i get seperation anxiety with my kids.. even the older one.. hes almost ten.. not as much with him but its still there.. just tell her not till baby is sleeping through the night.. without needing to feed .. would seem appropriate time..
  • @qweennique ya I could do that too. My mil is a five minute walk away lol I'm scared I'll be freaking out about being away from her. I struggle leaving her for 3-4 hours. Yikes.

    @lae3 ya she still wakes up 1-4 times a night. Were working on cutting out midnight snacks for her, so I guess I'm also a little worried that our hard work will be undone in one night! How do you cope with your separation anxiety?
  • I talk to my hubby n call to check on them lol.. Just feels so weird wen im drivin around n there not in the backseat lol..
  • I know @lae3 ! I have a mirror so I can see her in my rear view, and I'm constantly checking when she's not there...and then I feel a lil lonely.
  • i know its weird right? I left him home with his dad to go shopping and i look to the back seat and for a quick second.. i got a feeling of horror.. it was like i had to remember i left him with daddy.. im a sahm so thats why i think i get it bad.. lol
  • Mine wont be staying over by herself with anyone for a long while. I plan on BF.. and even then I feel like she is MY baby.. I want to spend time with her. They had their own babies and got to spend time with them. Selfish? Maybe. But they'll deal with it.
  • i let my son sleep over my MIL house when he was that age because he wasn't breastfed but it was a big mistake! i found out she let him sleep on her belly over night and when i got him back he would not sleep on his back anymore. she was bragging to me like "oh yeah he slept soo good, i kept him on my tummy all night..blah blah" i was pissed. this baby is not doing any sleep overs that early unless i am there
  • I wouldn't even leave mine with my parents who I love and trust more than anyone. I don't think you should feel pressure and don't leave baby until you feel ready for a break...:-)
  • I left my son with my mum at 6 months. I felt at that point we had a pretty good sleep pattern so it wouldnt be messed up. My mum knew I was very strict with his routine, I wrote it all down for her and it went perfectly. She knew from personal experience (im the youngest of 5) how easy it is to mess up a baby for days and days from just 1 slip in routine.
    Just s thought... You could always get her to stay at your house, go out for the evening, come home whenever your ready, but let mil do everything overnight. For a trial run that might ease your nerves because your there if you need to be. And you cam just pump (and dump if you have a few drinks) to maintain your supply
  • @1stWoodsBaby that's exactly how I am with my son he's four months old and has never been left with anybody even during the day. He won't spend the night with anyone until he decides to for himself.
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