I want another

edited August 2011 in Babies
As much as I didn't like being pregnant (just those last few weeks) I find myself wanting another baby. Im having so much fun with Delilah even when she's being cranky. I never wanted kids before and for most of my pregnancy I wasn't happy about it, but now I want another. Ha. Def going to try and wait 2 or 3 years if I can. :)


  • pretty post! :)
  • i am glad you are enjoying her so much! that's the best time. if there is one piece of advice that i could get a new mom it would be to try to wait until your first is at least 2, or just before she turns 2 yrs old, before the next baby is born.
    my first two are 15 months apart, and while i love how close they are and wouldn't change a thing, i feel like i slighted my oldest, she had to grow up faster, and i didn't get to focus 100% on her first few years and truly enjoy just her.
  • Aww that's sweet.
  • @survivormommie3 that's why we want to wait atleast two years. Give Delilah our undivided attention lol. Plus my poor dog needs to get used to not being number one still lol
  • lol!! too cute.
  • I feel the same way. I want to wait atleast a year or two though. And hopefully have a baby girl, so my son can take up for her.:)
  • I love this thread. I have a 2 1/2yr old son and 2 1/2mnth old daughter. I want another baby but I seriously doubt that I'll have anymore. They are such a handful but I love them more than life. My fiance wants another one but again I'm not sure. :)
  • @Misty2011 that's too cute. Next time around I want a boy. Delilah is going to need someone to annoy her other than me when she's older Haha

    @kcoolzchic Haha. My husband would let me have 5 more if id say yes!! I imagine they are a handful. Another reason I want to wait. She's easy to take care of now.....idk how shell be as a 2 year old lol
  • I say wait to see if it gets harder. All my son does is annoy the baby...Ugh If I decide to have another It's going to he 4yrs from now. Lol Besides I have my set so that's another reason I don't need anymore. I think I'm starting to make excuses. :)
  • I started put saying "F**k this, I'm getting my tubes tied after this one" because pregnancy has been kind of miserable for me. I had horrible morning sickness for the first 3 months, lots of back pain now, and I've gained tons of weight. That being said, my pregnancy has been pretty normal. No complications at all!
    Now that I'm so close to giving birth and having my little boy here, I'm thinking maybe I want another one. I know my husband is all for it. We'd be having one every year if he had his way! My family is already saying that my husband should get fixed because this is his 4th child. Hell-oo! This is MY first, maybe I want another one?
  • My partner has a 4yo daughter, almost 3 yo son and my son just turned 2... Im 7 months pregnant with a baby girl and cant wait for her to be here. I would have loved to have 1 more but 3 kids and one on the way is already a challenge, not sure how I will cope once bubs is here. Thank god they are all pretty good kids lol
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  • I want a daughter hopefully when my son is 3 I can give it another shot I love being pregnant but I wouldn't do it again alone I wanna b married first
  • My older kids are 8 and 9 i got pregnant six weeks after my son, it was easy with two babys but damn they started to fight when they got older lol. Didn't think i would have another but 8 years on i have my second princess Shauna-Rayne shes now 9 weeks old and loved being pregnant, Now shes here its like been a ftm again so much has changed and as we r older now and reslise how fast your kids grow up we cherich every minute. Now I want another one, wanted one from her been a week old but hubby said no lol....think i might have to get him drunk hehe :-))
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