I want another
As much as I didn't like being pregnant (just those last few weeks) I find myself wanting another baby. Im having so much fun with Delilah even when she's being cranky. I never wanted kids before and for most of my pregnancy I wasn't happy about it, but now I want another. Ha. Def going to try and wait 2 or 3 years if I can.
my first two are 15 months apart, and while i love how close they are and wouldn't change a thing, i feel like i slighted my oldest, she had to grow up faster, and i didn't get to focus 100% on her first few years and truly enjoy just her.
@kcoolzchic Haha. My husband would let me have 5 more if id say yes!! I imagine they are a handful. Another reason I want to wait. She's easy to take care of now.....idk how shell be as a 2 year old lol
Now that I'm so close to giving birth and having my little boy here, I'm thinking maybe I want another one. I know my husband is all for it. We'd be having one every year if he had his way! My family is already saying that my husband should get fixed because this is his 4th child. Hell-oo! This is MY first, maybe I want another one?